Stop making mobs invulnerable

Stop making mobs invulnerable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Monkeyboy.2869


So annoying. Invulnerable champions, invulnerable normal mobs. Invulnerable everything… seriously bored of it now, thought you said we were supposed to be able to kill things even they couldn’t reach us. Because you lied, and because of a bug related to that, i cant play 30 min without finding an invunerable mob

And im not talking about the ones with the symbol on them, although those are annoying too as there is a champion creep on the Underworld server that is invulnerable near one of the waypoints in a lvl 80 area (been there for 24 hours now at least). Also found an invulnerable champion around the Ascalon area before. There are others but they don’t stand out in my mind as its so common.

Warning rant below

Seriously annoyed at how much you hyped up a game that is clearly not finished, has this many bugs, and obvious balance issues. Here is a list of what i come across each time i play.

Events sticking, story quests not working, events not scaling correctly, sometimes finishing events and they dont give anything at the end, falling face down off a cliff and then floating around on the floor, sounds not working properly, performance issues (all graphics on high or all on low make no difference to my 7 fps in WvW), unable to right click and join to go to a sever with a party member in it. lvl 76 loot in a lvl 35 area or lvl 35 loot from normal mobs? Being killed in 1 second by a warrior that pops haste, stuns and does 17k dps so you have 0% chance to 1 v 1, not to mention ridiculous survivability compared to other professions….then there is some more serious bugs like story skipping etc. that other people have been having problems with…

(edited by Monkeyboy.2869)

Stop making mobs invulnerable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aiglos.2907


Related to this, I find that underwater mobs can be a bit weird. They can occasionally disengage from combat, become invulnerable and regenerate health, before beginning a renewed assault.

This can happen sporadically, even when there are no obstacles in the way, it can literally happen at point black range. They’ll swim away and become invulnerable. Can be quite irritating as it happens often enough to be noticeable.

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