Strange FPS problem after new patch

Strange FPS problem after new patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nero.3654


Ok after fix is better now fps was back:) but hero panel or preview ( when u see ur hero on window) allways cut my fps to 43. In empty place when i got 85fps take 42fps and in LA for example i got 54 eat 11. I know game show me my hero and may take fps cuz this but why this funny numbers isn should be -5 or 10fps allways? Oo.

Frend got similar spec and this dont take his fps only drop for a secon and back.
I play on old crt monitor on 1600×1200 85hz Vsync On

Is more crazy, i changer resolution on 60hz and vsync change tp 60fps like should be (ofc 60hz on crt monitor is unplayable for my eyes) but on 60hz game run like should be , use hero panel or prev and fps dont drop, same place in game on more hz and drop still to 43fps ;/

look like is some problem with more hz monitor anyone of you could check this on 75lcd or 120/144hz monitors??

Strange FPS problem after new patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nero.3654



85hz 85fps + use hero panel = 43fps
85hz 60fps + use hero panel = 43fps
60hz 60fps + use hero panel = 60fps
60hz 50fps + use hero panel = 50fps