Good evening,
it would appear that some of the combat noises (e.g. the sound your character does when attacking someone, altho I believe there is one strange sound that gets played when you are attacked by someone, too; haven’t captured that one on video yet, however) are very strange for human female characters that use two-handed weapons (I tried staves and greatswords and the issue seems to happen with both weapon types, so I assume it happens with all two-handed weapons).
I can’t imagine how would I possibly describe the sound that’s been bugging me for days now, so I’ll kindly borrow a very fitting description from fellow guardian over at Reddit, he said: “Sounds like a midget on hellium that is trying to reach a pinata with the stick. So out of place, not fierce at all but just… weird.”
I captured the sound on a video for easier debugging, and you can find it over at my YouTube channel. I’m sure the sound speaks for itself (no pun intended), but just in case, it’s the second sound my character does. It definitely shouldn’t be there, maybe it’s a sound file for asura tho?
Thanks a lot for reading this and, hopefully, fixing it in the future! I can imagine it’s not the most important and game-breaking bug of all times, but one that I’d definitely want to see fixed eventually nevertheless.
“There is no dark side in the moon, really. As a matter of fact it’s all dark.”