Stuck at loading screen -EB Jumping Puzzle

Stuck at loading screen -EB Jumping Puzzle

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zulika Mi Nam.1092

Zulika Mi Nam.1092

I used to get this about 90% of the time when I tried to enter. I did a ton of repair launches, but it did not help. I figured my next course was to reinstall GW2, but I waited until I got some new hard drives to do that.

Since I installed the new drives I have not had the issue reoccur until now -but I have probably not been in more than 5 times since the install. These new drives are my system drive (Samsung 830s in raid0) so even now all I have loaded is a fresh Windows 7, Nvidia drivers, Firefox, and GW2. The only other HW change I have made is going from 460GTXs SLI’d to a 690 about a month after launch.

I have let the screen just stay there until I get booted out for inactivity before -hoping it would load at sometime. I did some searches here on the forums, but I did not find anything. I just stayed away from it or went in when I was about to log anyway before knowing that I most likely would get stuck. But now with a new install I figured it was best to come here for help.

Any ideas? Thanks!

Stuck at loading screen -EB Jumping Puzzle

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


This is an old bug. Reported at release (and I think in beta too, but can’t find the old thread to bump).

I’m currently stuck in the loading screen, and once again need to give up since the huge queue in WvW prevents just relogging.

I found it happens 100% of the time if you been in WvW for a while (2 hours or more) and decide to do the jump puzzle last. If you do it when first getting into the EB map, it won’t get hung up.

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.

Stuck at loading screen -EB Jumping Puzzle

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zulika Mi Nam.1092

Zulika Mi Nam.1092

Thank you sir! The frustration is what you have stated -having to re-queue.

I was able to find an old post on this by chance as well. While Eternal Battlegrounds, jumping, and puzzle are in the title it does not show up when I do searches on them. By chance someone replied to it shortly after this post and I saw it on the first page & I finally found it again today by searching on loading. -not gonna bug the search system.

Here it is: