Stuck on Dredging Up the Past

Stuck on Dredging Up the Past

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Parth Vader.1562

Parth Vader.1562

I’m not entirely sure if this is a bug, but I’m a Norn Guardian who decided to go with the Priory. The first quest is called “Dredging up the Past.” A bunch of little kids from different races reenact Destiny Edge’s final battle (amusingly), but nothing happens after that. I tried looking at the wiki, and it says the quest marker should let me know that I should “Talk to a friend.” I see Eir on the map, but when I talk to her she gives a little quote, and that’s it. My current quest marker says I should “Visit Lion’s Arch,” which is weird because I’m already there. The quest marker doesn’t show up anywhere on the map in the actual instance. I tried running around and talking do different people, but nothing is happening.

Stuck on Dredging Up the Past

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Parth Vader.1562

Parth Vader.1562

I haven’t been able to make any progress in 2 days. =/