[Suggestion] Souldbound-on-acquire

[Suggestion] Souldbound-on-acquire

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sagiso.4738


While this is not a ‘bug’ per se I want to point towards an issue I encountered and had to send in a support ticket to (hopefully) solve it.

I bought the 16 terrestrial guild weapons twice to use them to craft both of the new sets, the Shimmering and Tenebrous weapons. Problem is: I bought them on a character that is supposed to store them till I got the missing materials but they turned out to be souldbound-on-acquire. With this tag they not only can not be transfered to the character with the appropriate crafting profession but they can’t be used while in a bank tab either.

So I’d suggest to remove the ‘souldbound on acquire’ from them. There’d be probably also the possibility to make souldbound items be used in crafting even to they are bound to other characters but I think the only soulbound equipment that are used in a crafting recipe are guild weapons.

[Suggestion] Souldbound-on-acquire

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Agreed. It’s hard to understand why these are bound-on-acquire. If they are only meant to be skins, sell them as skins. If they are meant to be usable, make them account-bound.

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