Super fast Risen
I’ve noticed them at Olympic speed too. I always just thought it was “one of those things” and try to avoid them whenever possible. Unfortunately for personal story progression, that’s just not possible.
I’ve just taken the “well, I’m just going to have to die and rez a few times to beat this step” mentality.
Fortunately, it’s worked so far, but if I get to a point where they respawn/reset on death… that’ll be the end of the personal story trail for me. Since I get deleveled, nothing I can do will make me powerful enough to do anything about it.
I’m hoping that doesn’t happen…<fingers crossed>
I believe if you look under the Risen names at their capabilities you will see “Usain Bolt” next to the text that says “Berserking”
I’ve decided to stop doing what I am capable of doing and instead do what I love most.