Superior Rune of Vampirism Bugged

Superior Rune of Vampirism Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: leovuo.5046


So I wanted to bump this thread since the bug that Kaon so well described is still there. I mean the leech effect, not the mistform.

I could live with it cause changing to towns clothes and back got the effect back until next time you died.

Now that you can’t change to town clothes in WvW I would love to see a fix to this runeset as I don’t want to strip naked after each death and re-equipping my gear .

Pretty please, can someone look into this again?

Superior Rune of Vampirism Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Auron.5709


I also want to bumb this thread again. The rune set seems to be bugged still in some ways or the description is not entirely correct.

Concerning the leech effect bugs, I personally have also seen them. The leech effect does not seem to appear after using a heal skill if you have died and someone has resurrected you in a dungeon for example. I created my armor set with these runes when the wintersday patch arrived with the ascended crafting.

What i have noticed, though, is in the 6th rune bonus behaviour. The mist form is not triggered due to falling from above 10% health to below 10% health from an attack. The bonus seems to be triggered from an attack that damages the player when they are under 10% health already and are not killed by the attack. This means that at high level areas such as fractals or dungeons this bonus cannot be seen very often. For example, a build that has about 18-25k hp needs to be below 1.8-2.5k hp and then take damage lower than the remaining hp amount to actually trigger the effect. Additionally, the mist form does not trigger from condition damage at all which makes it even more rare to be seen.

I do not know if this intended or not but the description and the behaviour of the rune effect are a bit off when compared to each other.

(edited by Auron.5709)

Superior Rune of Vampirism Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tronjeremy.5820


So I see a dev checked this out over a year ago. Can we please fix this? This is a dead rune in spvp. Not sure if it is broken in the real game as well. This would be an excellent rune if it actually worked.

So far for it to work in pvp I have to un-equip and re-equip 3 pieces of armor in the 10 seconds you have right as the match starts. If you die the effect no longer procs on heal.

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Superior Rune of Vampirism Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TYHE.6435


OMG really ?! This is broken, and for so long?! I was planning this rune for my necromancer. Nice, nice… That’s just so lame.