Superior Rune of the Pack set bonus bugged

Superior Rune of the Pack set bonus bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: OneManArmy.5617


Superior Rune of the Pack set 3/6
+50 Power.

Instead of giving 50 attack power the set bonus gives 50 healing power.

Please fix it.

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Superior Rune of the Pack set bonus bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zbrkesbr.4173


From patch notes:

Updated Rune of the Citadel to properly grant power instead of healing.

Rune of the Pack’s on-hit effect now works properly.

Gotta love their QA team. Somebody is not doing their work.

War doesn’t determine who is right, only who is left.

Superior Rune of the Pack set bonus bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: OneManArmy.5617


Ye, this specific rune has been bugged since the beginning of the game.
The funny thing is they “fixed” it 3 times already and yet it’s still broken…

There must be one person doing all their QA.

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Superior Rune of the Pack set bonus bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: OneManArmy.5617


Bump, so this Rune can FINALLY be fixed for once…It’s been 3months, this is getting ridiculous, we can’t use it due to the constant bugs.

Surrender is not an option!

Superior Rune of the Pack set bonus bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shlamorel.8714


Can anyone confirm that the proc occurs when you are hit by an enemy?

I could have sworn the tooltip once stated that the proc had a chance to occur when YOU hit an enemy.

Thanks for any clarification. I’d test myself but won’t be around my pc for a while.

Superior Rune of the Pack set bonus bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kelnis.1829


Current observations: 3pc grants healing power and not power as stated, no update or change in this status as of the patch notes indicating a “fix.”

Moderator Note: As my previous note was infracted/deleted for a simple bump, is it honestly preferable to create a new thread for each existing subject? I prefer to follow the code of conduct, but from a moderator perspective, I imagine having more of the same thread would be redundant and take more of your time.