Superior Sigil of Demon Summoning
Same issue here :-(
Make sure you have no other ‘Summoning’ Sigils equipped. It’s been reported that that Sigil will count up to 24 if another is equipped.
Good luck.
Same issue. I had two summoning sigils equipped but I deleted one and same bug still accrued (24 and nothing up).
Ahhh. I thought it was just me. A reddit query also confirms it seems to be a general bug effecting this particular sigil.
It must have been a very recent patch issue, as the BloodSeeker worked for me the day I bought it, but not next time I logged-in.
I remitted a bug-report. All we can do is wait I guess.
Also, I posted the following post a while ago but – surprise surprise – no responses, so I’m glad it’s not just me.