Superior rune of the pack bugged again after mini patch

Superior rune of the pack bugged again after mini patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: OneManArmy.5617


“Rune of the Pack (Major and Superior): This upgradeā€™s on-hit effect now works properly.”

This rune’s on-hit effect was working correctly after the halloween patch,but after the latest mini patch it has stop functioning.
I have used a brand new set of armor and added the rune of packs, went to test it out in hearts of the mist.
I was hitting for 20minutes straight with various combinations and weapons,but it no longer seems to proc.

Also the set3 bonus says: +50power but instead it gives +50healing. Another bug.

Surrender is not an option!

Superior rune of the pack bugged again after mini patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JonasV.4209



I just tested this with a friend in FGS on a champion mob. Fired at him for at least 5 minutes and not a single fury/might/swift proc. I didn’t have the opportunity to test it last night so I can’t comment on it working then, but is is DEFINITELY not working now.

~ Tarnished Coast ~ Sylvari Necromancer ~