Superior sigilof str and Superior sigil of rage twin axe build BUG

Superior sigilof str and Superior sigil of rage twin axe build BUG

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SirSpankAlot.4168


OK . i tested this for about 1 hour on server. My toon has twin axes build ( 2 molten axes ) 1 of them has the sigil of strenght and the other sigil of rage. This is what happens. 1st sigil of str gives might on a 30 % chance on crit and sigil of rage gives 3 seconds quickness on a 10 % chance on crit. problem is : no matter which axe i have in main hand quickness will allways trigger more times than might, even with the 45 seconds cooldonwn the sigil of rage has. I tryed unequiping the axe with the sigil of rage. Now with just 1 axe (the one with might ) the sigil of str trigers verry good it stacks its might and can go really high if ur fighting a boss of mob with much hp. but if i re-equip the rage axe everything is fine…stacks might …. and it seems now the rage sigil dont work…but in about 1 minute rage sigil triggers and after that happens the sigil of str starts not to work again like it was when i was using 1 axe. I did alot of testing during the hour and my conclusion is that somehow the rage sigil nerfs or buggs the str sigil. Since i tested the str sigil weap separatly i saw how it should work – i mean a 30 % chance on might is about 1 of 3 hits raises might ( roughly depending on the random factor ) but on dual wielding with a rage sigil weapon it goes about 5 % or maybe less . Hope this will be looked into cuz itreally nerfs dual wielders dps in raids. Thanks.