'Swift Arrow' skill point in Caledon Forest not there - world Gandara
Yep, still bugged.
Still bugged as of today (Gandara)
Isn’t this kind of bug the one which should be prioritized and get fixed immediately?
Bugged on Crystal Desert for at least two days now. The guy is there, just does nothing when you click on him.
Still bugged. Standing in front of him right now and he is bugged to hell. :/
On gate of madness he is no where to be seen(3 days and counting), and basically we need this for 100% map completion…
UGH. This is the last thing I need to do in Caledon. So annoying.
Bugged in gunners hold, you can’t interact with him
He’s not even there in Ferguson’s Crossing. annoyingly it’s the last 1% of map completion for me as well. Love this to be fixed…
He was bugged on Seafarer’s Rest today as well. The NPC wasn’t even there, some people waited for hours and nothing happened.
Skill point NPC is missing on Sanctum of Rall as well. Maybe he got tired of getting beaten up and took a vacation
today I have double checked the bag and swift arrow is still present: (
Bugged on Blackgate as well.
Deírdre ~ Hedy Stonegate ~ Leslie Summerhill
Bugged on Sanctum of Rall
'Swift Arrow' skill point in Caledon Forest not there - world Gandara
Posted by: HopelesslyGame.1509
Looks like a common problem across all servers. So annoying.
Bugged here as well, server is Piken Square.
He is not even there, but the skill challenge to “Kill Swift Arrow” is on.
Bugged for 3 days and counting now on Ehmry Bay
It is really aggrivating not to be able to complete map areas because of all these bugged skillpoints. From what I can see the long beta tests they had were pretty much useless; bugged skillpoints, guild functions, quests… way too many bugs so far.