Sylvari Pollen
By “pollen”, do you mean the illumination? Because that is only visible when your character is in the dark, and I did notice that it always lights up when wearing a disguise.
No, I mean the pollen. You could see it in Beta, I can see it when it sticks me in a Nightmare Court disguise or even a human bandit disguise, I just can’t see it when my character is normal. It’s a sorta sparkly cloud that flakes off you when you walk. Hasn’t been in since release. I hope it’s a bug and that they didn’t get rid of it…
The illumination is bio-luminescense, completely different.
I think I remember they took it out. Maybe it will be back someday. But I don’t think this is a bug.
Why would they take it out? It was one of my favourite parts of the race. I’m still clinging on to bug since I see it in my nightmare court disguise. If anyone has any official news whether this is intentional I would love to hear it, otherwise I’m running the latest beta drivers on an Nvidia 570.