Sylvari cultural armor clipping & dye bugs

Sylvari cultural armor clipping & dye bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Account.9832


The Sylvari T1 medium armor boots have some ugly clipping and colouring issues. See attached screenshot for more details.


- Al Zheimer

Sylvari cultural armor clipping & dye bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yareon.2835


About the green: it is intended that your character skin color is shown on silvary’s armor, do you have a green skin?

About clipping: you have to see the light named leggings on a humanoid character, a side of the “gown” totally enters the left leg XD

Sylvari cultural armor clipping & dye bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Account.9832


About the green: it is intended that your character skin color is shown on silvary’s armor, do you have a green skin?

There is some green on the face / chest, but her legs are brown (as you can see on the hands and feet), so if that’s the idea it doesn’t really work very well (and would assume she wasn’t wearing any pants, anyway).

- Al Zheimer

Sylvari cultural armor clipping & dye bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rarespawn.6028


The idea is that sylvari ‘grow’ their armor. All sylvari cultural armor contains a color tone from their skin. The green you are seeing is exactly that. If you ‘preview’ other sylvari cultural armor, you will see what I mean. That color will show up on all of the sylvari cultural armor, unless you change your skin/pattern color.

Mesmer 80, Elementalist 80, Guardian 80, Ranger 40

Sylvari cultural armor clipping & dye bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Account.9832


The idea is that sylvari ‘grow’ their armor.

And apparently they manage to grow it over their pants, and with a colour different from their legs. Not very logical and quite ugly, IMO.

In fact, it’s worse than that. I just spent 30g on the tier-3 coat and whenever I dye it green, half the leaves become purple. There is no purple on my character or on any of the other dye slots. There was no purple in the preview, either (it always previewed as grey and black, regardless of which dyes I had on my current armour). My character is brown, green and orange, and the purple leaves look hideous.

And, obviously, there is no way to return it. So thanks for making me waste 30g, whoever defined the dye channels on this…

No wonder so few people wear cultural Sylvari armour. Between clipping bugs and misbehaving dyes, it’s hard to make them look bearable, let alone good.

- Al Zheimer

(edited by Account.9832)

Sylvari cultural armor clipping & dye bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rarespawn.6028


Mine actually looks really cool….I just use dye that matches the skin colors

You could always use a makeover kit if the color bugs you that much.

These links helped me:

Mesmer 80, Elementalist 80, Guardian 80, Ranger 40

(edited by Rarespawn.6028)

Sylvari cultural armor clipping & dye bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Account.9832


Mine actually looks really cool….I just use dye that matches the skin colors

Like I wrote above, my character is brown, green and orange, and the leaves turn purple when I dye them green.

“Using dye that matches the skin colors” isn’t really a solution when the colour you actually get is completely different from the dye you used (and bears no resemblance to the colours you picked for your character, either).

You could always use a makeover kit if the color bugs you that much.

The solution to a badly designed game is not to spend more money on that game, it’s the opposite.

- Al Zheimer

Sylvari cultural armor clipping & dye bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rarespawn.6028


I bet I could make your character look good. It’s all about color blending with the sylvari armor!

I’m not sure what you mean by the leaves turning purple when you dye them green…maybe more screenshots would help deduce the problem?

I’ll post pictures of my sylvari when I get home, along with how I dyed the armor…they are all styling in the cultural gear!

Mesmer 80, Elementalist 80, Guardian 80, Ranger 40

Sylvari cultural armor clipping & dye bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Account.9832


I bet I could make your character look good.

And I bet you could say it “looks good to you” even if you don’t think so, just to win that bet.

Ultimately, the issue isn’t taste. The issue is that I paid 30g for a piece of armour that I wanted to dye green, I bought the correct green dye, applied it, and got purple. In fact, I get purple no matter what dye I apply (the only exceptions are grey and black, which don’t trigger the purple tint).

I’m not sure what you mean by the leaves turning purple when you dye them green.

I mean that if you dye the leaves green they turn purple. I’m not sure how much clearer I can be.

Also, the boots (despite having been made specifically for sylvari characters) clip through the feet and legs as shown above, and apparently inherit the colour of the character’s face, instead of blending into the colour of the character’s feet or respecting the armour dyes that players pick (if I wanted to make them green, I would dye them green; if my character’s legs are brown – or red, for that matter – and I pick brown as my armour dyes, I expect my choice of dyes to be respected and reflected on my character’s model).

Makes you wonder if the people who designed this armour a) ever actually looked at it and b) understand the concept of dyes.

And I have to wonder, other than “fanboyism”, what can possibly make you defend these errors.

I’ll post pictures of my sylvari when I get home

I am not even remotely interested in screenshots of your character, nor do I see their relevance to this topic. This is the bug report forum and my post is a pretty straightforward bug report, meant to inform the developers so they can fix the issues.

- Al Zheimer

(edited by Account.9832)

Sylvari cultural armor clipping & dye bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: yurtshone.7325


Account.9832. Dude! You need to calm down a bit. The guy is just trying to help you! He was not even remotely being rude to you but you feel justified in being rude back?

Sylvari cultural armor clipping & dye bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sky.2154


Makes you wonder if the people who designed this armour a) ever actually looked at it and b) understand the concept of dyes.

And I have to wonder, other than “fanboyism”, what can possibly make you defend these errors.

I’ll post pictures of my sylvari when I get home

I am not even remotely interested in screenshots of your character, nor do I see their relevance to this topic. This is the bug report forum and my post is a pretty straightforward bug report, meant to inform the developers so they can fix the issues.

In all fairness, as none of these other people can actually fix the thing for you, they’re just offering suggestions to tie you over until it does get addressed… if not that, just a generally positive outlook. Keep in mind that your frustration lies with the game, not your fellow players.

As for me, I feel your pain… the screenshot documents the issues perfectly. My suggestion to you would be to post that into the stickied “Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?” found here:

I think that would be the most effective way to go about getting these armor issues noticed by the dev team.

Sylvari cultural armor clipping & dye bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Moderator.3406


The correct place for such a bug report would be here. Therefore, this thread is closed.