TA Heavy Armor Set Coloring bug
This person had some luck changing dyes: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Dyes-don-t-change-after-pressing-apply/first#post3953014
See problem is a bit different, the spots that remain yellow, do not change at all, like they are nto ment to change..
p.s. I will still try this later
Nope tryied everything he said on that post, yellow areas remain yellow, and there is no corresponding sqare on the dye panel where i can place a die and even change those colors
Was that dye channel available to you pre-Wardrobe? Because some armors have dye channels that can not be changed.
Did you transmute that skin over an armor with only 3 dye channels? That might be the issue, though it should set the dye channels by skin, rather than armor, I would think.
You could try previewing the dye channels by placing that skin on armor with 4 dye channels…see if it makes a difference.
(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)
Lets see how to answer:
Well, guess you will have to wait for a fix, then. Sorry nothing helped.
What is your Sylvari channel glow? I suspect that is your glow showing through.
What is your Sylvari channel glow? I suspect that is your glow showing through.
Interesting the glow is yellow.
Also I preview it on another char, there were some parts, that were not black as well, but they werent yellow, but blue… thats wierd.
Is your Sylvari’s skin colour that same shade of orange/yellow? I haven’t worn any TA armour on my Sylvari for a while but I’m sure it took your character’s base colour and applied it to parts of the armour, to make it look like it’s growing out of you. This is definitely the case for salad cultural gear, not 100% sure about TA gear.
I just previewed this armour with celestial dye on my Sylvari (she has black skin so previewing it with black dye would not really help to see the problem)
I can see that where your armour is orange on the shoulders, helmet and boots, mine is black(there’s a small amount of black/grey on the chest but it’s less noticable than your orange). So I think it is taking your skin colour and applying it onto parts of the armour.
(edited by Beth.3850)