TP Issues (not sure if bugs of "features" :D)
I was having the same issue with completely random numbers being entered when I’d delete or try to type in my own values into the sell value boxes, at least as of the other day. Wasn’t always the highest bidder or lowest seller value either, a lot of times it was just a random number that didn’t make any sense.
I also hate that the inventory list constantly resets itself to a certain position when selling items.
Another annoyance I have with the new TP is the lack of an “add to my existing listing” option. Or at least an option to see what my lowest valued listing is currently at. I know I’m undercutting my own listings once in a while.
Also, I’d love the ability to quickly exit out of the ‘success’ dialog that pops up when an item is listed. I hate having to constantly move my cursor to the little X button to close it, instead of just being able to tap the escape key or something. I’d like for the escape key to first close the top-most window, rather than the whole trading post pane.
I also find it slightly annoying that I have to move out of the selling tab to the buying tab and re-enter a search string for something I just wanted to quickly check the value of. I’m constantly getting empty search results only to realize I’m still in the selling tab and have to start all over. There should probably be a separate search bar for your own transactions/inventory that’s more out of the way since that’s likely used a lot less often than a global TP search.
I also don’t like the search filters defaulting to equipment for my current class, without a way to ‘save’ my preferences for all classes by default.
Be careful when selling too – it seems like it lists max sell now instead of min – so for high value items I got caught on the lot.
I have found some of these issues with the latest patch as well. Especially, trying to enter your own price. I have to use the up/down arrows, or some totally odd price gets entered and I can’t change it by typing in numbers.
Please address this issue, Devs. Thank you in advance. =)
Hehe now you pointed out some more of the things that also annoy me.
After the September Feature Pack (I prefer calling it the Buggy <drateR> (read backwords, forum software changes insults into “kitten”) Patch, at least when refering to the TP changes) I actually had a list of more than 30 things about the TP that disturbed me and except for the few things that have been fixed yet the issues in that list still annoy me.^^
I also quit trading (and therefore GW2) for more than a week after said patch before I realized I’m addicted to trading and had to return :/.
Why are there no options for the TP?
Why can’t users choose how they want the TP to appear?
Can’t there just be a button allowing you to choose between old and new TP design?
Or much better, many button for all the different changes that were made so that every player can design an individual version of the TP that fits him the best?
I seriously have the feeling that workers in the “TP-department” (if this kinda thing exists) are just <gnipred> around, erasing flawless and working systems (which they designed really well) and replacing them with new, <dedrater> things that either don’t work at all or are just a complete change leading to disorientation and forced adjustment of strategies for TP-devouted players.
There was one great consequence of the “Buggy <drateR> Patch” though and that is the fact that people who use(d) trading bots were thrown out of concept completely. I strongly noticed this in the Level 68-80 Rare Armor market where the buying orders dropped in price significantly after the update even though their sell price (and the final outcome of salvaging the armor) remained in place.
(You can make some nice profit with salvaging Level 68-80 Rare Armor, but the time effort for putting all them orders is just so great that the g/h rate in the end will seem like a joke to you, this is why quite a few people used bots to put these orders automatically…<selohssA>.)
However, it didn’t take much time until new bots were ready to screw the market for actual traders.
(edited by Eriksson.7148)
I totally forgot the worst thing ever (guess what…09.09.14).
You’re trying to analyze a market to find the right price to list your items at?
You don’t want to brainlessly match/undercut the lowest seller because you know you will also get your items sold at a much higher price?
You’re scrolling up the sell listings until the amount of already listed items that will be cheaper than yours is just tolerable so you get maximum return AND (nearly) guaranteed sale in an approriate amount of time?
“Well, screw you!”, says Mister September 2014 Feature Pack.
“Yo ain’t gon a do dis!”, adds his <dedrater> inbred offspring, the Trading Post Update.
“A made de list more shorter so u don’tn’t can scroll as u wants! A also made de resulds windo conten les entrys at an tiem!”, he continues.
I abandoned a whole market (my favorite and most profitable niche ever) because of this change. I had to choose between the following:
1. Invest the same amount of time but therefore make only 10% of the profit I made before.
2. Invest three times as much time to maintain the profit.
3. Leave the whole thing because options 1 and 2 are totally unacceptable.
I often listed things at f.e. 46s even though the lowest seller was at 41s or something like that because I could see a great gap in the sell listings and a very thin listing structure below my 46s.
Since this update, I often experience that I can’t scroll the price up as much as I would like to. Sometimes there are like 70 listings total in the whole window! When I’m selling a stack of an item at once, I would be totally ok with 200 listings below me, but Mr. TP won’t let me scroll up to see…
Farewell, easy 50g per day with less than one hour of work…
Rest In Peace my dear friend, you who was slaughtered by the September 2014 Feature Pack.
It gets more and more:
Before 09.09.14, you could easily see how many of an item you got in your inventory because the whole amount was displayed as one entry in the “Sell Items” tab.
After 09.09.14, there were sometimes 20 entries for the same fokn item because the entry size has been limited to the stack size of that item (quite annoying for gear items that don’t stack at all – 100 entries for 100 times the same item…).
But at least you could still see the amount you have of that item by clicking on the item in the “Sell Items” tab.
Now (I suppose since 02.12.14) even that is not possible!
If you click on an item (let’s say Thick Leather Sections – what a crappy item :P) in the “Sell Items” tab you are no longer able to see the total amount of that item you got if that amount is greater than the stack size.
So basically, when you have 250 (or less) Thick Leather Sections, the “Sell Items” tab will show you this amount even though it is super easy to find that out yourself.
If you have more than 250 Thick Leather Sections on the other hand (let’s say 8356), this number will be displayed nowhere at all and you will have to count the items yourself. -.-