TP sorting bug in 2015-05-19 patch?
post it here instead (after you read the other posts about it):
I also have this bug.
And why are some items level 82?
Something very strange is going on with TP price sorting.
You can see a screenshot of the problem at
(In case it’s not jumping out at you, the pricing is being sorted without regard to the magnitude of the denomination – so 73c > 7s 27c > 72c).
just came in to bug this also.. and also seeing lvl 82 items
Same here. Some items have lvl 82, but if posted, lvl 80. Listing the items from cheapest to most expansive works, but the other way around, from most expensive to cheapest, doesnt.
post it here instead (after you read the other posts about it):
Thanks – I did spend some time searching before posting this, and didn’t see anyone else talking about the same issue, but I wasn’t entirely sure whether this qualified as a “support” post, since it’s not really breaking anything – it’s just a visual oddity that I wanted to call someone’s attention to.