Tall Norn + Vigil helm = light source issue.

Tall Norn + Vigil helm = light source issue.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kate Soulguard.7132

Kate Soulguard.7132

Heya everyone,

Thank you for making and continuing to develop Guild Wars 2. I love this game! It’s such great fun.

This is hard for me to explain since I don’t know the graphic design / 3D terms to describe it. There seems to be some kind of “light box” or light source that shines down on the character from above it. In the case of Norn using a certain helmet style, the light source is not positioned high enough and some artificial shadowing is visible.

You know what, I don’t know the terms so this is hard to describe. I’ll just give steps to repro and you designer-types can tell ME how to properly articulate it!

Steps to reproduce the issue:

1) Make a norn female. (Not sure about Norn males, though I would imagine this applies to them as well since they can be even taller.)
2) Max the character’s height.
3) Equip a Vigil helm. It may not have to be this style, but the Vigil helm is particularly tall.
4) Color the horse hair element at the top of the helmet something very light so the problem is easier to see. I colored mine Winter Sky since it’s in the starter set.
5) Zoom in and watch the top part of the helmet.

See that shadow line near the top of the horse hair? It’s like there’s an invisible light source above the character and the helmet is high enough that it’s above the light source.

Workaround: color the horse hair portion of the helmet a dark color so you don’t notice it.
