Target Nearest Enemy - not working correctly.

Target Nearest Enemy - not working correctly.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Faden Pain.4275

Faden Pain.4275

Could we get a fix for target nearest enemy, so that it will indeed target the nearest enemy..i.e. the nearest aggro?

Neutral mobs are not enemies, and should not be targeted using this key command.

Nor should using this command switch targets, unless another aggro happens to move closer to you than your original target.

Target Nearest Enemy - not working correctly.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: greg.1493


./agree 100% !!! Please fix this asap! Its so annoying! I always seem to target the farthest player from me instead of the thief stabbing me in the back >.< In addition, lol, it targets peeps out of range. Not just a little out of range-waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of range ><

Thanks for posting/reposting this here. This is a bug and belongs here.