Target changing

Target changing

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Posted by: Yuudai.5268


Am I the only one who keeps losing targets mid fights? Sometimes it will just change to a different player or even an enemy, and then I end up with more things to fight

Target changing

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Posted by: Saya.1260


Try turning ‘promote target’ on in the options.

Target changing

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Posted by: Seraf.6783


I had this issue as well. However, I turned off auto-target and used tab targeting and have not had the issue. If you tab target the one you want, or click target, it does not drop. however, if the target was picked due to auto-targeting…well, you may auto-target to something else…especially if it move out of your view and their are mokittengets available. Not a perfect fix, but certainly has helped me a lot.

Target changing

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Posted by: Kodama.9417


Yeah I have been loosing targets today. I will start firing my bow with my Ranger. And it drops off and I have to re-tab every so often to regain my target. Dosen’t matter how near or far I am either.

Target changing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: aliquis.9180


Yes, it has been very flaky lately. I haven’t had it switching targets to another enemy, just dropping the target so it has to be re—targeted and occasionaly target changes to a friendly player.

/edited for word filter lol

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(edited by aliquis.9180)

Target changing

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Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

Yeah same problem here, targeting seems all over the place, several “hostiles” around me, so it targets a “non-hostile” some way off.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

Target changing

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Posted by: wildcode.5403


I had the exact same problem until I turned on “promote target” in options. I was always losing/changing target mid fight. I still get the issue of auto attack locking some random off in the distance (or off screen) but double esc or hitting target nearest works around that issue.

Target changing

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Posted by: Medes.8560


Random target changing happens to me all the time on my elementalist. Even with the option ‘autotargeting’ off and the option ‘Promote skill target’ on i keep switching targets if i use tab targeting. As long as there are more then one hittable objects in my screen i keep switching targets. I feel only safe to cast when i angle my camera in a way that i only see one target on my 24" screen.. I never had this problem on my ranger(80) before. Very annoying.

Target changing

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Posted by: Retrospek.4583


This problem is back since the last patch, and even worse than it’s ever been. I’m not the only one, our whole guild has been complaining of this since patch.

Target changing

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Posted by: lynspottery.6529


I had this very problem when a group of us went in to do the Caudecus’s Manor dungeon on explorable the other night. Extremely frustrating as my Ranger constantly had to re-acquire my target throughout the entire run.

Almost had a group wipe in one fight because of this issue and was fortunate the target was almost down…so my quick tab to get him back on target worked since there were no other enemies in the way.

BTW I do not have auto target on either…so this is a head scratcher for me as well.

(edited by lynspottery.6529)

Target changing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


Is there any word on whether or not the devs will be looking at this problem? I’ve not seen anything concrete noted anywhere. If there is a notation, I can’t find it.