The Anti-Guild PvE Guild Missions.

The Anti-Guild PvE Guild Missions.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Windler.4815


I don’t know what happened from pre-expansion to HoT, but missions are atrocious.

Trek- Only guild members that interact with a trek location or are within a small area of it get credit. Not only does that make it so it’s not really go out and look for these spots, it’s everyone go to one location while leadership get the rest. That’s the only way to secure that everyone gets credit.

Puzzle- Sometimes the guild gives ZERO credit for everyone and sometimes it’s a select few. Have no idea the though process for rewards on this.

Rush- Buggy! You have to first get across the finish line and hope you get transformed out. If you don’t before the timer ends, you don’t get credit. The guild then has to wait the remaining

Challenge- Works.

Bounty- Works.

One thing that still NEEDS to be implemented is a guild rank requirement to trigger guild items/missions. As of right now, a lowest rank of the guild can trigger a guild item (Trek location point) and guild mission (Puzzle start). We, as a guild, had to implement “If you’re near a point before an officer and it triggers, we instant kick you for the remaining missions”. That’s silly and ridiculous that we have to threaten people. Also, these missions at the present moment are not kind to (400+) large guilds. We constantly have to run each mission 2 or 3 times in order to get everyone credit.

Fix them, Anet. There was hardly anything wrong with the PvE missions pre-xpac. There’s no excuse for why they’re like this now.

Spectral Legion [SL]
Jade Quarry

The Anti-Guild PvE Guild Missions.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


Just did guild puzzle – practically nobody got rewards.

The Anti-Guild PvE Guild Missions.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rhys.5439


Yup, had little to no issues before HoT. =\

Voren Cindershade – Survivor of the Shade warband; leader of the Cinder warband.

The Anti-Guild PvE Guild Missions.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: velix.6534


Same here, for Rush we redid it 2 times and nobody got credit for it.
Bounty worked.
Trek was awful, 3/4 of the people doing it never got credit cause you have to touch the points, which is dumb.
Puzzle was the same, 3/4 of the people who did it got nothing for it, the others magically got credit.

Would be nice if guild missions were built on getting more people to do them, so that more guild members intermingled, and worked together, instead of the buggy, competitive mess they are right now.

The Anti-Guild PvE Guild Missions.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Captain Jordan.6938

Captain Jordan.6938

This is ridiculous, less than half the people in my guild get credit for Guild Puzzles we all completed, and even less from the Treks.


The Anti-Guild PvE Guild Missions.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Other guild members can get Trek rewards if you repeat the Trek so they can hit a point. It’s still a problem for large guilds though as when it’s a 5 location Trek, only 5 people can get a reward each time.

The Anti-Guild PvE Guild Missions.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Our guild leader got the personal credit for the first team running a trek she didn’t take part in.

The Anti-Guild PvE Guild Missions.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dante.1763


Still having people not get credit for guild puzzles.. ;-;

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

The Anti-Guild PvE Guild Missions.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: katubug.6378


Also having all of these problems.

The Anti-Guild PvE Guild Missions.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


They should’ve kept this mission system back til the first major HoT patch, rather than rushing it out for release…

Or, y’no, stuck with the old perfectly functional non-confusing system

The Anti-Guild PvE Guild Missions.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: NTDK.4897


for trek, you can let everyone stand inside the shiny mark and then interact. Everyone that stands inside will get credit. Meanwhile, a few people can go finish other locations

ign: Larxene Rakushinu
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]

The Anti-Guild PvE Guild Missions.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tamasan.6457


I don’t know what happened from pre-expansion to HoT, but missions are atrocious.

Trek- Only guild members that interact with a trek location or are within a small area of it get credit. Not only does that make it so it’s not really go out and look for these spots, it’s everyone go to one location while leadership get the rest. That’s the only way to secure that everyone gets credit.

Puzzle- Sometimes the guild gives ZERO credit for everyone and sometimes it’s a select few. Have no idea the though process for rewards on this.

Rush- Buggy! You have to first get across the finish line and hope you get transformed out. If you don’t before the timer ends, you don’t get credit. The guild then has to wait the remaining

Challenge- Works.

Bounty- Works.

One thing that still NEEDS to be implemented is a guild rank requirement to trigger guild items/missions. As of right now, a lowest rank of the guild can trigger a guild item (Trek location point) and guild mission (Puzzle start). We, as a guild, had to implement “If you’re near a point before an officer and it triggers, we instant kick you for the remaining missions”. That’s silly and ridiculous that we have to threaten people. Also, these missions at the present moment are not kind to (400+) large guilds. We constantly have to run each mission 2 or 3 times in order to get everyone credit.

Fix them, Anet. There was hardly anything wrong with the PvE missions pre-xpac. There’s no excuse for why they’re like this now.

+1 to all this.

Rushes were especially buggy this week as far as crossing the finish line.

For the more difficult rushes on shorter time limits, personal credit should also be given to people who escort the runners. They are doing a very valuable service for smaller guilds who need to get 15 across the line in short times, or no one gets anything. They definitely should be rewarded.

I haven’t done any WvW missions this week, but I saw nothing in patch notes since last week where we had the same thing as everything else with personal credit being extremely buggy, not awarding to people that certainly assisted, and others who barely got to the area before it ticked over did get credit.

PvP missions – hardly know where to start.

Needing to specifically form teams is extremely klunky and I imagine larger guilds are experiencing logistical nightmares with it.

Completely impossible to run multiple teams at once, turning what could be fun social PvP nights into frustration. Whichever team finishes first gets credit – everyone else stuck with a big fat zero.

Timers need to go for the match win missions. If the intent is for the medium difficulty to win 2 in a row, or 2 out of 3, and the harder 3 in a row or 3 out of 4, then that is what it should be, not win 2 or 3 in x minutes. Queue times are unpredictable, and you can never get all 10 people in a match to ready-up, adding just more time ticking down. Timers will encourage trying to game the system. Say I need to win 2 matches in 40 minutes. Well, obviously I’ll abandon the mission each time we lose and restart it, so we’re starting with 1 win. Match times are around 15 minutes. If the second match starts going badly early, it is best to give it up and get it over with as fast as possible so you can get another chance for a full match you’ve got a better chance at winning.

So much amazingly good work went into HoT. I’m sorry, but the guild mission revamp isn’t one of those. It’s very subpar and needs a whole new pass through.

The Anti-Guild PvE Guild Missions.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Varkros.4158


Half the guild got rewards from puzzle (both difficulties), half got rewards from race (same issue as last week with people having to go back and forth over the finish line for credit), everyone got credit for bounty.

We did obtain all of our guild favor though so there is that.

The Anti-Guild PvE Guild Missions.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Windler.4815


Before HoT it would normally take us under an hour to get a massive guild through all the guild missions. Now, we’re lucky if it’s little over two hours. Sometimes, we just have to tell people, “Sorry, you won’t get this reward this week.” It’s frustrating because our guild mission days are our guild times where 1/4 of our entire 450+ guild gets on to play. We’re from multiple time zones and it’s convenient. I’d hate for people in our guild not show up because they don’t want to partake due to not getting rewards.

Spectral Legion [SL]
Jade Quarry

(edited by Windler.4815)