The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: TheBridgyC.1834


I am trying to complete a the Lvl 50 Personal story step “The Battle of Claw Island” and whenever I get to the part where I am supposed to shoot at the boat with the Trebuchets I cannot. One Trebuchet says that I cannot fire in that direction no matter which direction I am facing and I cannot even even Use the other for some reason. I am playing as an Asuran Ele if that has anything to do with it. Thanks.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


We found and fixed the issue, but I don’t have an ETA for when it will be pushed to the Live servers. In the meantime, a workaround is to release the treb when your final shot is in the air, before the camera cutscene kicks in.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Alur.7510


@Jeffrey Vaughn I am a bit concerned lately on when you guys have already fixed something like this or the Hatchery like you said, and we need to wait weeks to have the fix, this is really worrying me, if you guys indeed have more than 1 team working on different things, what’s the big deal on updating the game with those fixes in small patches? I’m really confused right now, some people can’t advance stories or finish off things cause of this.

Regards, hope I do hear from you.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: srobin.6950


“In the meantime, a workaround is to release the treb when your final shot is in the air, before the camera cutscene kicks in”

Maybe I’m missing something, but how are those of us who are bugged supposed to "release the treb when your final shot is in the air’’, when we aren’t allowed to fire the treb in the first place.

I’ve watched a couple youtube video’s, so I know what I’m supposed to be able to do……… the treb at the Warmonger ship. However, the treb will not allow me to fire at anything, in any direction.

So I don’t get your work around. Could you explain it differently perhaps?

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Saarkhastick.9571


I had the same problem, one wouldn’t work at all and the other kept saying unable to fire in that direction. Also, I found it very difficult to actually “use” it because my followers kept getting in the way and I would get only the Talk option and not the Use. Anyway, I found a work around on youtube. Just swim out to the ship and take it out there. I used my spear to take out the ship.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Anatrocity.9072


Also much problems with the Battle for Claw Island instance including; Could not target the Dead Ship, how can you kill something you cannot target. The Trebuchet when centered on the Dead Ship gave me the ‘You cannot fire the weapon in this direction" error message abt 50% of attempted shots, and when was able to shoot, never could hit it because could’nt target it in the first place! I finally swam to the Dead Ship as above post did and killed it with a spear gun. (Thanks Saarkhastick)
This was the only storyline instance Ive had problems with, but was so frustrating I considered quitting the game. Very poor workmanship GW2, far less than what I would expect from an otherwise very good game.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


Do you have “Fast cast ground targeting” turned on in options? If so, it’s trying to target your current mouse cursor, which might not be a place the treb can reach.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: GummiBear.2756


hold down to fire button to shoot, if just just press and release the fire button right away it will tell you that you cant fire in that direction

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: BulletStopper.4230


Do what I did twice. Swim to the boat and hit it with your aquatic weapon. you will not take damage but will eventually sink the boat and be able to finish the quest.

It doesn’t address the “bug” but does allow you to continue the story line.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Fire.4302


i completed that part after trying several angles, there is only 1 that will work(so far i tried), even moving by one Node will cause it to be unable to fire.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Bau Bau.7389

Bau Bau.7389

I did that mission with more than one character and with other friends in the guild. The first time I attempted using the trebuchet; since I was not able to shoot the boat I just swam there and destroyed it from underwater. When I did again that mission I always went underwater. I did not though it was a bug; I just thought I was bad at using the trebuchet :P (which probably is… even if in WvWvW they are easier to control).

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: TheBeautifulSin.8045


I just tried to do this last night and had the same problem as the original poster. So I’m not sure if the fix has been pushed to live servers yet, or if it fell through the cracks. Gummi’s suggestion about holding down the fire button (on the one trebuchet you could use) did work though, instead of just clicking it. It still wouldn’t target the ship or show it taking damage, but the story did advance.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


Alternatively as a work-around/temp fix, can you not just swim out to the undead ship and destroy it with ranged attacks?

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Designation.5397


I just got to the trebuchet on claw island and am running into the same problem as the others. I find this a little disconcerting given that 2 months ago it was posted that this problem would be fixed. Do we have an ETA for this yet or is that still unknown?

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


Looks like my first post is about another bug, I apologize. From the sound of the original post, do you have “Fast cast ground targeting” turned on in options? If so, it’s trying to fire at your mouse cursor.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Signet of Forums.4397

Signet of Forums.4397

Looks like my first post is about another bug, I apologize. From the sound of the original post, do you have “Fast cast ground targeting” turned on in options? If so, it’s trying to fire at your mouse cursor.

I know I’ve said this before, but the trebuchet in that mission that I know about does not use mouse targeting. It is charge-and-release, like the ones in the Battle of Kyhlo.

Therefore we proceed to write a sig.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Michael.9403


Adjust the aim left and right with the supplied arrow keys. (1 & 3)
Fire the trebuchet by holding down the #2 key, with the time you hold it down setting the range. If you click down and up, you will have shot very short, into your own people, and it won’t let you. Hold it down the full amount of cast time and you’ll overshoot the ship. Watch for the meteor like graphic falling short, on, or far past the ship, and adjust your hold down accordingly. I.e. let the cast bar fill in more or less.

The meteor is quite some time after launch, so wait, and look up a bit.

I found the other trebuchet to be inoperable too, so I’m guessing the “fix” didn’t make it to both.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Timelessarii.9123


Still having this issue; I had the problem happen today, March 30th.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Harusee.8160


I am having the server disconnect me ever time I try this scenario. I make it to various points in the story. On my last attempt I was sent to light the watchtowers and the server disconnected me again. I can play the game for hours on end with no problem, why is this scenario different?

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


I had issues months ago about getting disconnected from this personal story step as well, but then when I tried it again a few weeks ago while partnered with my hubs (his story line), we experienced nearly unplayable lag.

Then when we got to the treb, he could not get it to hit the ship at all! After attempting it for 10 mins, he nearly gave up when I swam out to the ship and hit it from underwater. That progressed the mission, but a person of less patience might have quit (I know he nearly did if I didn’t convince him to wait for me to try swimming to it).

I tried this story step on yet another character 30 mins later (alone) and despite the lag, the treb worked fine for me.

So it’s inconsistent when it works and doesn’t.

Just thought I’d toss in my 2ยข.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: whoamitwo.5974


I too am having the same issue. Looking at the posts, the fix was going to be pushed out on a future release yet I seem to still be having the same issues as those from six months ago. Is it still bugged or is this user error? Any ideas?

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: whoamitwo.5974


I’d like to post an answer to my own question. As an earlier post stated, the trebuchet’s are charge and release. Now I have them firing, just not hitting anything. Think I will take a swim as another reader suggested

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Halcyon.7352


I’ve leveled a few alts through it and had no issues personally.

The treb mechanics take some time to get used to – Skill 1 and 3 will aim you left and right, and two must be held to build up a ‘charge’ which affects how far the projectile will go.

Apparently six months ago, there was a bug where the projectile would hit the boat, but would not trigger the next scene and/or do damage to the ship, which has been fixed. (The work around was to ‘leave’ the trebuchet after firing, just before the round hit the boat)

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Kuddlekins.6407


Related to the same story step, there appears to be a bug in which the text in your “My Story” log book/journal doesn’t properly display (it gets cut off early) once completed. Attached is an image showing as much.


The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Kyllaa.1385


I think I remember this issue from months ago. I couldn’t remember which story step had the missing text. I sent an in-game report in november about this.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Arthane.7462


Hello sorry to bring up an old topic but i am currently on this quest on my necro, i can’t target the trebuchet with fast cast ground turned on. Wherever i aim the trebuchet it just says cannot fire or whatever.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: gravity.4986


I thought I have the same issue with " Trebuchets shooting", I can’t shooting whatever I do, even I log out and enter the story again. The situation is the same with 1st post: it shown " You cannot fire in that direction" in the screen.
My neco went this task smoothly but my Guard is stopped the story line in this point.


The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Double Tap.6471

Double Tap.6471

I’m sorry but I don’t understand how the producers of this game expect it to hold up against other mmos. So many bugs and still no fix 11 months later. This is why this game failed to miserably.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

As mentioned in this thread, you need to hold down the 2 button to charge up the shot. If you just tap it, the shot will not have enough power behind it to go anywhere.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: Ozzy.7608


I’m in this story right now with it minimized. I got the trebuchet working, was turning it and holding down the button to fire, and have been firing at the ship for the last 7 mins at least. I still can’t hit it. After reading the comments, i’m going to swim out and destroy it that way. So I guess its still not fixed.

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: selan.8354


I’m in this story right now with it minimized. I got the trebuchet working, was turning it and holding down the button to fire, and have been firing at the ship for the last 7 mins at least. I still can’t hit it. After reading the comments, i’m going to swim out and destroy it that way. So I guess its still not fixed.

use a little less power u might be overshooting

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

The Battle of Claw Island Trebuchet Bug

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Posted by: LeidBattlehammer.6490


The problem here is that the sweet spot is so small it will make you feel like there is no way you can hit the ship.

You need to look at your aim very closely. Hold the button down all the way and when it fires the shot, let go. If a cinema does not immediately trigger, move once left or right, hold down until it fires, let go. Rinse, repeat.

Aim like this until you nail the bullseye.