The Battle of Fort Trinity

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: ZidZabre.7256



Hello bug exterminators.

I have an issue with my personal story.
“The Battle of Fort Trinity” to be precise.

What happens is that i go up too Trahearne and the objictive about reporting to him gets greyed out, and then nothing.

The quest won’t proceed after this point, and this has been going on for a long time.

I hoped this was fixxed in the latest build, but sadly it was not.

I beg of you, mighty bug exterminators, please help me.

I would love to continue my personal story.

I have uploaded a screenshot of the location, what i see when i talk to him, and how my story hs progressed so far.


The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Cirlonde.8790


My husband (ettie.2073) is having this same problem. Before the October 1st update, we had completed this instance together. I got credit, he did not but when we went back in with him starting the instance, it would not progress beyond this point. Thought it was fixed with the update, but we just tried again and got the exact scenario that ZidZabre described. My husband submitted a ticket back when it first messed up, but got no response.

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: jclovero.7306


Hi – I am having the same issue as the original poster. I’ve been unable to advance this quest for a few weeks now. I have heard some people mention that completing the previous step in multi-player might be a factor in this, and I was grouped with one other person for the previous quest before it bugged.

I’ve tried to bring others with me into the story but it has never seemed to work. Any help with how to resolve this issue is greatly appreciated!

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: ZidZabre.7256


They seemed to have resolved this from todays update, however now i am getting a new issue in the same mission. Now i cannot progress beyond “defend the front gate” part, after the final wave of foes, the game halts progress and mission wont proceed, did this mission 2 more times afterwards, still same lockup, even the third time with a diffirent person taking the lead. Nothing works, submitted reports, and i just want to get past this too actually finish my personal storyline. Please help us arena net, we want to play trough your wonderful game :/

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Ketto.6508


I’m having the exact same problem as ZidZabre, the story mission will bug at the “defend the front gate” part. A few mobs will spawn but after I kill them nothing else comes.

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Sojar.1495


Bumping this up as well. Stuck helping my friend with it at “Defend the Front Gate” Where the giants should now spawn etc, they do not, and nothing else happens after the initial few normal undead mobs that storm the gate. Scouted the whole area for a straggler undead or something along those lines… didn’t find anything. This bug seems to be a new one introduced with tonight’s patch.

[Heil] Hydra! Hydra is recruiting.

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Boom.9304


I’m also having the same trouble as Sojar – restarted 3 times.. still no giants spawned and no stragglers left.

Boomkins / Ayvaree
Bringer of Hellfire & “Dirtnapping Diva”
Leader, Transcendent Veneration [TV] – Tarnished Coast

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Kezorian.5107


Friend of mine Tookalook, is having the same issue, you defend the logging camp and then it says defend the front gate and after the 3 waves, the gate is supposed to get over run but its not making it to that part and just saying “Defend the front gate”. This story has been bugged for a long time now at different parts. This needs to be fixed ASAP because its preventing A LOT of people from progressing.

Co-Leader of Onslaught [OnS]
Believegate – #freepot

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


We’re looking into it, but we haven’t been able to reproduce after a dozen run throughs of the story step, so it’s a bit tricky.

1 – Try the story step solo. This appears to only happen if you play co-op (since more creatures are spawned.)

2 – Look around the from entrance of the fort, there’s occasionally a Risen who will hide out under/around the ramp leading into the fort.

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Nero.5943


I’m also having the same trouble!

First THE FORGING PACT and now this!!!

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Boom.9304


Hi Jeff,

The first 5 attempts made was co-op with 1 other player..we even hunted to the ends of the maps for any stragglers or bridge lurkers. No dice.

I’ve just done it solo, as well, and have no stragglers but am hung up on the same point in the story instance.. =/

Boomkins / Ayvaree
Bringer of Hellfire & “Dirtnapping Diva”
Leader, Transcendent Veneration [TV] – Tarnished Coast

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Zaber.5609


The part when you have to defend the front gate doesn’t progress to closing it, the NPCs just all stand still and none of the Giants come.

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Shockstar.6290


Previous to recent patches i was getting stuck at the retaking the docks stage of the story. Now since the patch it is worse. I am now getting stuck near the beginning of the story, the stage of “defend the front gates”. A minimal amount of undead spawn and are killed fast by the npcs, then nothing else spawns and all the npcs just stand around.

I have circled the area looking for any “stragglers” but there is nothing else i can do to progress the stage of the story. This is becoming very frustrating as for the last 2 weeks patches have not improved my progress with this story, only hindered it

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Shockstar.6290


Ok just to update, after several client restarts after the same problem, i finally managed to get past the initial stages, but once again when it came to re-taking the docks, the client continues to crash. I still had undead to kill when I heard the sound we get for a cut scene then the client crashes. Any help would be very appreciated as this has been happening for around 2 weeks and its very frustrating

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Shockstar.6290


I had the same issue, i re-tried several times and eventually the stage progressed, I have no idea why though. unfortunately for me after progressing I the becqame stcu kat the original problem stage of retaking the docks, just as the cutscene kicks in the client crashes EVERY time. Had no info on how to fix this

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: EJAZZ.7286


Thanks for the response Jeffrey. Will try solo-ing it. Hopefully the issues will be iron out in time to come. Keep up the good work

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Relativity.3264


I’m going to assume you guys made some changes to the battle for fort trinity in the last patch.

This is my third playthrough, and I noticed a number of changes/bugs to this “mission” that make it not worth bothering with at the moment.

Currently on a charr, order of whispers in the “lost honor” storyline.

First change: If I’m not mistaken you replaced some of Trahearne’s recordings with (imo) better ones. I’d like to know if I’m hearing things if you happen to know! (Or do you have multiple recordings for the same line based on chosen storyline?)

Before second change: When at the logging site, the group of undead spawns, you fight them off, logging captain says thanks, cutscene triggers, new objective.

After second change: Several groups of undead hit the logging camp one at a time, big slow boring fight, no thanks, no cutscene, undead are already halfway to the gate by the time the objective appears.

Before third change: Many groups of undead march on the gate at the same time and there’s a big battle, halfway through comes a cutscene showing giants attacking, you close the gate, cutscene shows the battle ending outside the gate.

After third change: Groups of undead spawn one at a time instead of all at once, which is a bad thing because the fight just gets drawn out. 3 or 4 waves before the end all the NPCs are dead (And they can’t be ressurected) and I have to slog through 20-30 zombies with nothing but trahearn to help. When I finally kill all of them and close the gate, there are only 2 NPCs standing there, ruining that whole cutscene altogether.

Before fourth change: Arriving at the docks there is a massive fight with lots of enemies, people say to look up and another wave spawns, the fight continues into the rest of the mission

After fourth change: Again, they spawn slowly one wave of 3 enemies at a time. This isn’t a battle, it’s less exciting than the tutorials… Once the “look up” waves have finished spawning (one at a time again) nothing else spawns and the mission stops moving.

And yes, I did this twice (at least up to the third change) just to confirm that it wasn’t a one-off bug.

Please revert! The battle was much more fast-paced, interesting, and generally better the last times I did it!

Maxed HOM (Name: Random Firing)
Fractal 80 before Fractured, world first fractal 50 after

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Zenjin.9021


My quest is bugged out on my engineer storyline, I get to where I defend the front gate, kill around 4 guys, then nothing happens. I have around 15 NPCs standing around but that is it, and still have the green circle on my map as to what area to defend.

Funny thing is I zone out back to main world, and there are around 40 hostiles jumping me as soon as I phase in ….

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

My quest is bugged out on my engineer storyline, I get to where I defend the front gate, kill around 4 guys, then nothing happens. I have around 15 NPCs standing around but that is it, and still have the green circle on my map as to what area to defend.

Funny thing is I zone out back to main world, and there are around 40 hostiles jumping me as soon as I phase in ….

I am experiencing the same thing, whether partnered or solo. I’ve tried looking under every nook and cranny for stragglers, with no results (for good measure, I’ll toss an AOE skill to see if there’s any damage to unseen enemies). In addition this last attempt, I spent some effort running back/forth between groups to make sure that I didn’t miss any. I’m fairly sure that none escaped this time (although it’s possible that some spawned in the wrong spot).

Maybe if you guys cannot replicate the results, you can find a way to allow us to progress the quest anyhow, for example:

  • Wave X+1 triggers as long as you kill all but one of the foes in Wave X.
  • If five minutes have elapsed without any changes, speaking to Trehearne again allows you the option of continuing to the next step or wave of foes.

Thanks for your attention.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Relativity.3264


The latest update made it easier, and stopped the full on block so I could finish it, but it still lacks the sense of scale of “This is a real battle” and is more “Bleh” – I’d still like it returned to before where it was one of the best parts of the story

Maxed HOM (Name: Random Firing)
Fractal 80 before Fractured, world first fractal 50 after

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Octane.7029


This still seems to be bugged as of right now. I can also get it to repeat “2 times now.” I’m an Engineer in grenade stance and after killing the 5 or 6 undead at the gate, none of the other groups come.

The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: MortalGod.4165


Just to confirm… I was also stuck on this mission and as with other people I have been able to progress by running straight from the logging camp to the gates as soon as it comes up and then run straight up the ramp and let the first wave kill all the guards… you then have to pull and kill solo from the top of the ramp and the sequence will complete