The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

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Posted by: SaviorCat.2698


For the last three days I have been unable to complete my personal story, it’s stuck at the Battle of Fort Trinity, when I go and talk to Trahearne nothing happens, no cut scene starts, the star above his head just disappears and I cannot advance, I have tried entering it with friends, but I do not get the pop up box that allows me to enter with them.

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

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Posted by: Relica.5023


I am having the same exact problem. Tried yesterday no go. Tried today after maintenance, and still doesn’t work, but it worked for my husband that did it at the same time. We couldn’t go in together either. Please fix this we can’t progress!!

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

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Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


I’m on that story quest too, I haven’t even bothered starting it yet since I’ve read so many problems with it, I’m hoping it’ll be fixed soon too.

protest this travesty of a patch -
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

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Posted by: Sideshow Mel.4587

Sideshow Mel.4587

I am having the exact same problem. Also similar to Relica, I tried to go in with a friend in a party. We were split apart – with one person going in and the other being left behind. My friend was able to go in an activate the quest with no issues but I would go in and the story gets stuck right at the start with Trahearne. I tried log-our and back in and also restarting the client but there was no success. Also tried in a party with my friend and going in by myself.

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

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Posted by: Genghis Khron.2741

Genghis Khron.2741

Exact same problem here…

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

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Posted by: Sarlias.8674


Having the same problem as well, check every time there is a new patch (over the past three or four patches) but still broken every time. Can’t enter with party members doing the same mission. Can’t progress past listening to the conversation about the Asura gates Trahearne has with the two Pact members.

Isa Bunny ~ Mesmer ~ Tarnished Coast

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

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Posted by: Jarod.9217


Same issue here.

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FERVID.2741


My wife and I were doing the Storylines together. When we got to this one, it wouldn’t let us join in the same instance, so we thought maybe this one wasn’t a group enabled quest.. She completed hers without any issue, but I am stuck at the part you just described. This happened yesterday, since that time I have relogged several times, even hadher try to do the quest from her computer and it still wouldn’t work.
This is where it’s stuck, I’ve never seen any cinematics or anything.

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

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Posted by: Venn.8931


Same issue. Wife and I have been doing personal story together. Our stories split up and when we went to meet at at Battle at Fort Trinity, she was able to progress while My character was stuck after the opening npc conversation.

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

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Posted by: dizzykenpachi.8571


Same exact problem here. Been this way for 3 days now.

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

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Posted by: SaviorCat.2698


So this was noted in today’s maintenance as being fixed, but it is still broken for me, i was able to join a friend and do it, however, upon finishing it, I am still on The Battle of Fort Trinity.

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

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Posted by: MeTx.6712


Still bugged after the patch…

Ranger: My Main Man Ray

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

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Posted by: Juganot.1509


I have a similar bug, I am unable to progress through my personal storyline because of this and it would be much appreciated if it could be fixed. -.-

I go to talk to trahearne and sadly nothing happens.

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

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Posted by: spite.7106


I am still having this issue also.

I have friend who have and are progressing through it without issue but I know they have taken a different pre-quest path.

I wish this was fixed

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

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Posted by: luap.2308


Same here i’m still stuck at “Reporting to Trahearne to fort trinity”, no cut scene, etc.

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FERVID.2741


It’s still bugged for me also.. Exact same problem as before.. No difference.

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Azhure Sun Soar.8420

Azhure Sun Soar.8420

I am also stuck on this one, at the “Defend Fort Trinity docks” point. I’ve been all over the area and there are no mobs, nothing is spawning, nothing is updating. I just found a mob stuck under the ground, where I can’t attack it. I can’t get it to move. :/ I’ve tried the quest a couple of times now and it keeps getting stuck at this point, I’m assuming because of this mob.

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FERVID.2741


Has there been any updates in regard to this? It has been a week now. I’d really like to enjoy the rest of my story quest. :/

The Battle of Fort Trinity Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FERVID.2741


Still bugged after this latest patch (again).