The Battle of Fort Trinity - Can't Continue?
I had the same issue. The first time it happened was when I defended the docks. Mine got stuck at somewhat of an inactive moment where there was nothing to attack. I ended up running out into the red area on the map to port out and reset the instance. That fixed the defense of the docks bit for the time being.
My current problem is when I need to retake the docks. It’s glitching out here too. Only my problem seems to be that there’s too many mobs on the retake where on the defense they were all gone. My NPC guard people end up dropping like flies and Trahearne took a serious dirt nap. I’m left alone with endless waves of mobs. Think I was in that state for about 30 minutes before I just let them kill me to start from a checkpoint.
That didn’t fix it though. I’m currently sitting on the edge of the dock and there’s no risen around anywhere. I revived Trahearne and we’re staring out onto the nice blue ocean. But yet the docks still aren’t mine somehow.
Also had this issue. Couldn’t find any stuck mobs and also swam out to destroy the ship myself. This had no effect though.
Same. Bugged for me as well.
I really wanna defend the fort Trinity docks, but those monsters were not come anymore. I waited for 1 hour, nothing happened.
You know it’s really cruel for me, coz I tried 15 times two days ago about ‘Forging the Pact’, today 5 times about ‘the battle of fort Trinity’. They ruined my weekend, it’s against humanity.
I’m having the same problem, may try again tomorrow. Got to defending the docks, killed a few waves, then nothing – the waves of mobs stopped, no completion, no falling back.
I had the same problem at the docks, but restarting the mission fixed it. Completed it without any further issues. Now I just want Phase Retreat to stop getting me stuck in the scenery with no way out…
Ditto. All the mobs are yellow on the docks, but none of the NPC’s will follow me out to fight them. Keep running into personal story bugs. Yet another for the list.
I am still unable to pass the first part of “The Battle of Fort Trinity” after reporting to trahearne everything just stops and there is no indication of where to go or what to do, this is even after the recent patch which was meant to fix this problem.
2 Oct — Fort Trinity still bugged…. Get to part where supposed to defend the docks; first wave; then it stops…. waited about 5 minutes; went out and actually sunk the risen ship; still nothing. The update on 1 Oct SAID this was fixed; how about ACTUALLY fixing it this time.
1 Oct update listed the Defend Fort Trinity as being on the ‘fix’ list. This was incorrect. Just tried again to do this quest and get to part where supposed to defend the docks AND after the first wave — nothing. With all the various quests that were not working suspect this just got overlooked. Hope you folks get it REALLY fixed the next update.
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I’m sorry to hear you’re still blocked! Have you seen this thread? One of our story designers has been working to fix this quest, so if there’s any additional information you can provide, I’d recommend posting there as well. Thanks!
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I think I’ve experienced all bugs mentioned on this story quest. I too was stuck on Fort Trinity at the second wave. Nothing happened so I quit and tried again. The second time, same thing but this time I wandered around the docks and noticed some YELLOW Risen just standing around. I attacked them and all kitten broke loose. It then progressed normally.
On Forging the Pact, I was stuck there for 3 tries. The first two, stuck at second team and each time I did all the offered dialogue. The third time, all I did was the “Let’s get out of here” or something like that, and it progressed normally. That was the ONLY thing I did differently.