The Dragons reach living world story bug
Yup, its bugged. Either a Shade or the Cubs are bugged. I just purchased Living World Season 2 and I cant progress further on “Plan of Attack” story mission.
Dont think this map will get full for another instance. Anet, can we get this reset please.
Also experiencing bug, please reset. Bria will melt down to no health and then heal back to full health while hardcore fearing attackers.
seeing the same issue, cant progress the story.
Same. I reported the bug as well along with a screenshot. Trying to do the storymode but sadly this is blocking progress.
yeah its starting to kitten me off badly, and a lot of people are doing this quest aswell so there are a lot of gatherings at her
I need it as well, but not for the storyline but for Nevermore. =(
I checked again this morning (CST), Bria is gone and the rock pile is there which allows for quest progression. I do not know if the Bria glitch was resolved and someone else killed her- or what- but we got the progress on ours. Good luck guys
Looks like it has been fixed. Came on into the final part of the event and killed her, getting the raven for Nevermore. Woo!