The Ghost Rite.
well i managed to get past it after a few more tries but i can see it still bugging out for others.
I can confirm this. It’s bugged for me as well. Killed the boss, and in next objective it says to talk to Gixx, but nothing happens, I can’t progress further.
yep bugged googled searched it and ended up here. All gixx does is follow me around.
I can confirm this as well. Gixx won’t let me progress.
Same is happening here.
Alright, I finished it the third time. That time I made sure I had killed all the risen before I finished off the boss (they stop spawning when the boss becomes hostile). That seems to have ‘unstuck’ Gixx and triggered the cutscene after the boss’ death.
(edited by Judge.5036)
A little catch: while playing as a Guardian, under the effect of Avatar of Balthazar,
you lose the effect of Consecrated Ground trait.
Consecrations still work, but no longer ground-targeted.
A very minor bug, but I felt like reporting that.