The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: maxdd.9043


Hi, im facing right now a level 51 quest called “The Ghost Rite”.. after i kill everything, boss included, i have to decide which way i want to reinforce Lion’s arch or something..
I talk to Gixx to decide that and then the quest stops, my last objective is “Enter the Ritual Circle” which actually doesnt exist.
It’s almost 1 week that im stucked here and im already level 80 since 4 days..
I would really love to move on to finish my storyline.


The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: panda.9701


actually i had the same problem that you had. but i just use a waypoint to lions arch and re-enter the story. the problem is that there is no green start that shows you were the ritual is. so i found it behind me after i talk the first time with GRIXX. after you talk to him you will see behind you a fire circle, stand there and you will transform into a super fire warrior and everything will be easier and you will be able to complete the story quest. sorry for my bad english i hope you understood.

The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: Everlast.4789


Hi i wish you guys could include in tonight’s update a fix toward the following quest:

Personal Story quest: The Ghost Rite (51)
Race: Human
Class: Elementalist Lv 55

Issue: After finishing the entire quest the quest log says to talk to Gixx but all he does is talk of the idol or Durmand Priory. I figure this must be something easy to fix, hopefully im right and this gets implemented in tonight’s update.


The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: Kaludram.7281


Same bug here. Gixx just follows me around, the marker is on Gixx, but he tells me the same things as before I defeated all the mobs and the lich boss.

The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: Platymantis.9251


I can confirm that this bug is still present as of last night. Get to the end of the quest where you need to talk to Gixx again and his conversation panel is the same as before the fights, can’t continue.

The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: Kaiser Sigil.4809

Kaiser Sigil.4809

Same problem here. Enemies dead but Gixx still talking abot the idol and the Priory and such.

The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: Shukriyya.7629


Same problem here. Enemies dead but Gixx still talking abot the idol and the Priory and such.

Same thing happened to me right now as well.


The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: maldren.6032


Same problem here. Enemies dead but Gixx still talking abot the idol and the Priory and such.

I’m having the same problem, killed the enemies and have to talk to Gixx but nothing happens.

The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: PinkDeath.7638


Just adding another voice to the ‘not working.’ Finished the fight, went to talk to Gixx, but he’s only giving my info about the Priory.

The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: Varjen.3127


I had the bug with Grix not being “talkable” in the end of the quest, solved it the messy way by waypointing out and running back in, thusly restarting the quest. Worked the second time.

The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: Rockzilla.4218


now the one millioneth reply for the same thing, still bugged . will continue lvling i guess

The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: Zombull.3649


Adding another “me too” to the thread. I tried the quest three times. Always I kill the boss (Which is far easier than surviving the horde of risen, btw. (It doesn’t seem like it should be that freakin hard.) and then I’m stuck with “return to Gixx” who has nothing new to say.

Also the quest seems to indicate I’m supposedly “building power” by slaughtering the risen, but I see no indication of power building and no indication of progress through the slaughtering. I just have to keep killing and dying and hoping I get a rally until it finally says to kill the boss.

The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: Moun.4207


I just got to this part of the story line. I enjoyed crushing the undead very much. But I also cannot end the mission. Stuck at “return to Gixx” and in four tries of trying to slay the boss in different places on the map I still cannot complete it.

Hope this will be fixed soon

The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: Shukriyya.7629


I tried the quest for a second time, and this time I was able to finish it. I don’t know what I did differently (apart from being less incompetent while fighting the risen ), but I did try to talk to Gixx while still lying on the ground. The pre-fight Gixx talk window popped open, but the cutscene was triggered as well. I killed the boss pretty much where it spawned.


The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: Londoner.7564


I’m also getting this bug – have tried what Shukriyya did twice.

The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: Sepix.4726


confirming bug. cannot be finished.

The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: Drunklight.6081


yup, still bugged

The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: collector.9370


yeap :P.. just adding to the bugged thread. just did it and stuck on the conversation after killing the big guy

The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: gravekeeper.8352


still bugged. cant talk to Gixx after killing everything.

The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: DeathDealer.7961


just confirming, still bugged!

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The Ghost Rite Storyline quest still bugged

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Posted by: Cotosh.4862


bugged too.
zoned out and tried again and it worked.
on the bugged try when the boss was killed i had a stun for something like 1 minute.
when i tried again i stood on the middle portion of the map (something ike a shirne) when killing the boss and the cinematic popped rigth after with no bugs.