"The Hatchery" Personal Story Mission Broken?

"The Hatchery" Personal Story Mission Broken?

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Posted by: CupcakeCreature.3125



Hi everyone, I was hoping I could get some help or clarification on this issue I was having…

I’m a Charr, and I’m at my Lv. 45 Personal Story Mission called “The Hatchery”. It’s a Skritt related mission for The Order of the Whispers.

Now, something odd has happened twice now. I enter the instance as usual, and complete the tasks as they pop up. I beat it, get the final cutscene, and am told to meet the Skritts back at their city. Obviously this would mean my instance is over, right? Well, as soon as the cutscene ends, one of the items on my mission checklist is unchecked and the instance remains uncompleted. I’ve run around the entire instance area, trying to see if there was anything I missed, and there wasn’t. I then have to leave the instance the old fashion way (running into the orange area on the map) and when I do, the mission is still there as the one I need to do next. I’ve “completed” this instance three times now, each with the same outcome.

Is anyone else having this problem, or a I missing something? Pretty bummed out because it’s blocking my progress in my story… Thanks for any help!

"The Hatchery" Personal Story Mission Broken?

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Posted by: roark.5901


I’ve been having a similar problem, when I enter the instance Tybalt is not around and I complete all the objectives but no cut scene begins. I’ve submitted bug report after bug report but nothing has helped so far. A friend and I chose the same back ground for our Charr so that we would be able to do the personal quests together and speed things a long. The quest worked for her when she did it alone but once I complete the objectives nothing happens, along with Tybalt not showing up the entire instance.

If anyone could shed some light it would be much appreciated.

"The Hatchery" Personal Story Mission Broken?

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Posted by: Alexandra Triplett.1280

Alexandra Triplett.1280

Hey guys. We’ve been looking in to this issue. Did you speak with Vracken the first skritt before moving on? I have a feeling that might have caused your issue @cupcake. If you do try speaking with him when you first meet him, let me know what step is still not completing. A screenshot would be really helpful as well.

@roark I have a feeling Tybalt not showing up may be an issue not related to this quest. When you joined an order, did you do that quest with your friend? It would have been when you spoke to the order reps and selected which order you want to join.

(edited by Alexandra Triplett.1280)

"The Hatchery" Personal Story Mission Broken?

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Posted by: VestigeOfHope.7526


Hey guys. We’ve been looking in to this issue. Did you speak with Vracken the first skritt before moving on? I have a feeling that might have caused your issue @cupcake. If you do try speaking with him when you first meet him, let me know what step is still not completing. A screenshot would be really helpful as well.

I too am having a similar issue on my lvl 48 human guardian (vigil). I’ve tried several days in a row now to see if there were any quick fixes to that quest with no luck. It seems I can get the last 2 skritt to follow me around, but Vrackan likes to hang out by that rock fixture.


"The Hatchery" Personal Story Mission Broken?

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Posted by: Dirrtyharry.7045


I am also having the same problem as Alexandra, all he wants to do is sit in one place and he won’t follow me so i cant complete the mission, I’ve tried 2 times now and it keeps happening and he just stands in the same place.


"The Hatchery" Personal Story Mission Broken?

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Posted by: sindara.6492


Here to report the same issue, only Yiktuk refuses to follow me. He remains marked with a green star, the green circle on the map remains around his area, and I cannot progress the quest. Tchkik and Vracken are both happily following me.

UPDATE: Got it to complete by getting kicked from the instance by entering the striped zone. On restarting the mission Yuktik followed instantly.

(edited by sindara.6492)

"The Hatchery" Personal Story Mission Broken?

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Posted by: VestigeOfHope.7526


It finally worked for me (prolly something to do with the 9/25 patch) even though Yiktuk completely vanished on me

"The Hatchery" Personal Story Mission Broken?

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Posted by: majoho.1089


Have the similar problem as sindara mentions, Vrackan won’t follow me, I did talk to him several times, I went on and rescued the rest and now I’m stuck, kinda bummed since I died several times :/

"The Hatchery" Personal Story Mission Broken?

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Posted by: Tryna.1963


having the same problem as everyone else, and ive tryed 4 times now, at 1st i talk with the 1st skrit next 3 times i didnt killed everything still nothing, pls help us anet.

"The Hatchery" Personal Story Mission Broken?

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Posted by: FlamingKing.9453


6 yrs developing + beta….facepalm Anet….

"The Hatchery" Personal Story Mission Broken?

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Posted by: FlamingKing.9453


try this,first kill the hostiles,then go to back to 3 skritt far back,then he will revive the skritt in the middle and then go to 1st skritt and talk to him.follow this steps.

"The Hatchery" Personal Story Mission Broken?

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Posted by: shaktitiger.6403


Yes, i finally got through it.

As FlamingKing suggests; to do it in a reverse order helps to get through it.

1. Kill hostiles
2. Go to the last Skritt in the back.
3. Let him revive the 2. in the middle.
4. Go to the Skritt in the beginning.
5. Then also the Harpies should spawn if you go outside.

Here was it where i was stuck:


"The Hatchery" Personal Story Mission Broken?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: SCHBLRTZ.9782


I’ve tried several times, even in reverse and nothing works for me. I’m so kitten right now that I don’t even want to play this game anymore. There has been two hot fixes for stupid things since last patch but they can’t get their kitten over this one. This game is getting buggier over time and at this point I would actually pay a monthly subscription to get some customer service.