The Humming Krait Crystal
I’ve checked Hobbs out, but he doesnt have any ‘misplaced’ items to sell back to me for karma. Ive tried rebuying the Kraitkin Vol.3 item and keeping it with me as well.
I’m certain I havent made the Focusing Crystal yet because I didn’t have the materials to do it at the time. the only thing I can think of is I’ve already broken the trident to get it’s essence and that may be affecting it.
I’m certain I havent made the Focusing Crystal yet because I didn’t have the materials to do it at the time. the only thing I can think of is I’ve already broken the trident to get it’s essence and that may be affecting it.
I wouldn’t assume that. Nearly all the collection bugs have to do with stalled events, not the drops themselves.
RNG can be quite fickle. For the specialization collections that require a random drop from generic mobs, I received several on the first kill and all but one of the rest within 10 kills. The last one requires over 35 kills after I started keeping track.
If you’re really worried, file a support ticket and they can track down whether anyone else has reported anything similar or whether they can help.
After all this time, I’m convinced it was a one time drop. Hobbs doesn’t have it and I’ve spent at least an hour a day targeting nothing but hypnoss at each of their spawn locations.
The mistake I made was throwing out the first one I had to drop.
I’m really sorry that you haven’t had any luck at all. Did you file a support ticket? If so, what did they say?
I did make a ticket for it back around June of last year but never heard anything back. I remember not being sure if I put it in the right support category because I couldn’t figure out if it was a general PVE issue or crafting.
If you mean you submitted an in-game report, in-game Bug Reports will garner no response, as indicated on the Bug Report window.
To contact the CS Team, you must use the web-form accessed via the ‘Support’ link above/below and ‘Submit a Ticket’ for assistance.
Good luck.