Fort Aspenwood Elementalist
The Ruined City of Arah Path 4 bug,
Fort Aspenwood Elementalist
I can second this, I have experienced this exact same bug twice. Going through a 2 hour dungeon just to have to quit because of this BS is unacceptable.
I’ve done this path 3 or 4 times in the past week, including last saturday and I’ve not had this bug. Perhaps you were not quick enough with the sparks? Mind you that if the priestess heals up to much, it will continue to go invulnerable at 50%. You have far more time now (compared to before nerf) but time is limited for runnnig sparks.
you only have maybe 5-10 sec to get the sparks back if you don’t she’ll go into a regen loop that you are describing
Thanks for the info. I’ll give it a try.
Fort Aspenwood Elementalist
I don’t think this is a bug. You only have a few seconds to get the sparks back before she starts healing. You probably didn’t get the sparks back fast enough which gave her time to heal back over 50% of her health.