The Source of Orr missing title Champion of Orr

The Source of Orr missing title Champion of Orr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EndlessKnot.8365


Completed the story quest The Source of Orr and King Reza said you shall carry the title “Champion of Orr” but i dont have this title in the drop down list.
I’ve relogged and its still not available.
Whats going on?,yet another bug.Jesus how many bugs do we need to put up with.

BTW the Skill point at Meddlers way is bugged,no NCP on the Blacktide Server

(edited by EndlessKnot.8365)

The Source of Orr missing title Champion of Orr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AvaAzul.8290


Ya… Idk if its a bug or not but the Orr King does bestow a title called “Champion of Orr” in relation to this a couple order titles are probably be missing too… for example I’m with the “Order of… you know wat…” and I’m suppose to get the title “Lightbringer.”