"The Stone Sheath" Quest STILL bugged
I had the same problem but I finally succeeded the mission without problem :
- the two first tries (bugged), I went to the south by the west way then i took only about 3 dwarven relics before to find and take the scabbard, but i met the same bug as Rolyat : nothing happened in the marked green area at the end
- the third try (successful), I swam in the lake near the east side and I found more relics on my way, then after about 6 relics taken, the objective “grab the scabbard” appeared (which it didn’t happen (or I don’t remember) in the first two tries), and I finished the mission without problem .
So, I think we must take about half a dozen relics before to grab the scabbard to avoid the bug .
I haven’t been able to replicate this issue, so I need more specific info. What was your current objective? Did you find the sheath by picking up a relic, or did you pick up enough that it marked the relic for you? (If you pick up enough relics without finding the sheath, it will mark the location for you.) Which objectives (if any) were NOT marked as complete at the end? Just the final step? Or were they all marked as complete, but the story step didn’t complete?
On my first two tries, my objective was to “Search the submerged ruins for dwarven relics” and that objective has been marked as complete once I picked up the first relic I found, but then no new objective has been added. So I picked up about 2 more relics, nothing happened but I found the scabbard by chance and when I grabbed it, the objective “Escape with the scabbard” appeared. But after I went to the marked green area in the north, nothing happened and that objective was still not marked as complete at the end.
However, on my third try, the begining was the same but I took about 6 relics instead and the scabbard’s location has been marked and added as an objective. But, if I remember, that objective has been removed when I picked up the scabbard. Then the mission ended normally.
Just tried to do this quest and yeah it’s as the previous poster indicated. Once you grab a dwarven relic it say the objective is complete and nothing happens. No new quest. I’m currently looking around for the sheath but have no idea where it is.
I’m sorry for necroing an old thread but this is still NOT fixed. I did this quest 5 minutes ago and was unable to pick up the scabbard even when it was marked.
What I did:
Picked up around 5-6 dwarven relics and then the next quest objective became visible (Pick up the dwarven scabbard), it was perfectly marked on the map and as I moved towards it and tried to pick it up it wont let me, no error message or whatsoever. Also, when i tried to pick it up (what didnt work), the game won’t let me cast spells, so i checked if i had a DC but that wasn’t the case. As I was attacked by the pirates the only skill i was able to cast was Decoy (Mesmer), all other spells didnt work. Had to relog and do the quest again from the beginning for it to work.
I can’t reproduce that issue, I’ve now done the story step 3 times in a row with no issues. Picking up 6 relics without finding the scabbard will mark it on the map. There’s nothing preventing it from being picked up—were you getting an F interact prompt? The inability to use skills is also suspicious, since the scabbard does not disable or affect your skills in any way.
Necroing this thread to confirm that I have just encountered the same bug as Cryptozy.
After picking up around 6 Dwarven Relics (probably were 6, if that’s the needed number. I didn’t count), the scabbard appeared near the dwarven gate to the north. When I swam there, it prompted me to press F to pick it up, however nothing happened once I hit F. I also could not pick up any other dwarven relics after this, weapon skills did not work, and neither did my healing skill (Utility skills did work, however).
The issue was resolved after being downed (in the downed state, I could use my skills, and after rallying, everything was back to normal), and I was able to finish the mission after this.
Now, as for what might have caused this… the only “weird” thing I think I might have done to cause this, was to pick up one or two additional dwarven relics on my way to the scabbard (F and skills bugged out only after I tried picking the scabbard for the first time, so before that, I was free to pick up whatever I wanted).
Sorry to re-necro, but this is STILL happening. sigh
Sorry to bring it up again, but I think I found the problem.
I don’t know the mechanics used to trigger the events inside the quest instance, but the first time I did it, I went to the relics gathering spot using the mountains trail on the left side of the map, all the way through False Lake Waypoint because I wanted to get Greybeard’s Landing POI before getting the relics, after the POI, I went to designed spot for teh relics, got a few and then it said that the gathering part was done, but it didn’t show me the stone sheath location. So I quit and got in the stance again and went to the relics gathering spot again, but this time through the false lake, after 6 relics gathered, the stone shteath location was avaiable and I finished the quest.
So, I may be wrong, but I think the problem is with the path you take to get to the relics gathering area. Hope this can help.
(edited by hlaraujo.3210)
Aha! We aren’t ignoring you, but we couldn’t determine a repro until very recently. A fix is in testing, but I don’t have an ETA for when it will reach the live servers.
Long winded explanation:
Basically, there are several dwarven relics scattered across the lake, only one of which is the item you’re looking for. If you pick up 6 relics without finding the scabbard, it will mark it and update the objective to “Pick up the scabbard.” If one of the relics you picked up was the scabbard it would complete the search and move on to the “Escape with the scabbard” step. BUT… If you got close to the scabbard (without picking it up) it would mark the search as complete, but not advance to the “Pick up the scabbard” step. You can swim around and interact with the relics and eventually you’ll find the scabbard, but since it’s not marked it’s very hard to find.
I’ve fixed it so the “Pick up the scabbard” step (and a marker on the scabbard) will correctly appear when you get close to it. This is also why we had such a hard time reproducing it—you have to get close to the scabbard but not have picked up 6 relics in the mean time. Since it randomly changes spawn positions, it’s a matter of luck.
(edited by Jeffrey Vaughn.1793)