The hatchery bugged?

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: omegawarlock.5712


oh my god Nov 5 are you kidding me? this is ridiculous

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: ElectTheDead.3798


OK, person above, you’re hilariously overreacting.

1) The devs are probably paid monthly, as most people are. Or weekly maybe, but surely not daily.

2) Yes the fix has been found, but it makes sense they would check it first. It might break more stuff than it fixes.

3) “not the other way around”? You want them to be a client that cares and works for the company?

4) I’m sure the fact that one broken quest that’s not resolved for a couple days won’t cause GW3 to have “crappy sells”. Do you honestly think any of the people in this thread will remember the one time a story mission was broken long enough AND find it bad enough that sales will actually be impacted? Sorry but no.

I agree it should be fixed ASAP, but random rants that lack logic won’t help.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: poisonedsodapop.9348


I’m having the same problem, and it’s frustrating. I hope you give us some kind of gift, gems, or extra space on the bank, or an extra slot for a character… You know, something for the trouble. It would be nice from you. Aside from this, it’s a very nice good game.

The gift you get is that you can keep playing the game without paying monthly. There have been numerous bugs since launch and typically the way to go around it is go find something else to do until it’s fixed. Make an alt or go explore the world some while you wait.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Beherit.9710


There is nothin to do… halloween event was fun. for a day. toon with that story is my alt, i donnt want to discover world map to 100% again :>
@ Jeffrey Vaughn brimg coffie to your QA testers or sth (a cookie perhaps?:P)…let them hurry and give us that fix.
i kind of understedn ILuvAlexandra.3975 reaction – there was a several problems like that and noone even cares for infomring players what they do about that (remember thread with malchors leap skill point?).
I’m glad that someone from Anet care about informing players on what phase of fix the are. but i hate waiting :>

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: bowenwright.7146


November 5th?!?!? That is crap. I have been waiting for this to be fixed for 3 weeks. We should all get 1000 gems for having to wait so long.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Dane.9480


Look at the bright side :
1. No monthly fee
2. When the bug gets fixed you can prolly make 3 quest in a row :p

I for one am at lvl 52 and is prolly gonna hit 60 before they get it fixed :p

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Christopher.8049


I too am stuck, I have tried to progress through the story with a couple of characters and with a few other people and we all have the same problem with this part of the story

Signature removed by popular demand…….

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: udmeber.6784


I’m having the same problem, and it’s frustrating. I hope you give us some kind of gift, gems, or extra space on the bank, or an extra slot for a character… You know, something for the trouble. It would be nice from you. Aside from this, it’s a very nice good game.

The gift you get is that you can keep playing the game without paying monthly. There have been numerous bugs since launch and typically the way to go around it is go find something else to do until it’s fixed. Make an alt or go explore the world some while you wait.

It’s not a gift since I already paid for the game, and if they choose not to make a paid per month game it’s not my problem. Also if I want to get more room or other goodies I have to either play a lot or pay for the gems. I don’t complain about this, I’m just saying no one is giving me anything for free, therefore I have the right to politely ask for a compensation. And I’m not asking for a huge one. In most parts you get a compensation for the troubles.
Also , thanks, but I do no have to make an alter or whatever you suggest if I don’t want to. I just expect things to work as they should as soon as possible.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: udmeber.6784


November 5th?!?!? That is crap. I have been waiting for this to be fixed for 3 weeks. We should all get 1000 gems for having to wait so long.

I don’t expect that much as 1000 gems, but a small compensation would be a nice way to say “sorry”

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: hemetee.8147


I also have had this bug-it hasn’t been fix as of yet,have had small updates every day but probably halloween event.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: sonicwylde.2906


yes the hatchery is still bugged cannot get pass rescue tchkik.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: brett.2915


Ya this Is really make me mad because I paid 105 dollars on the game getting it set I played the level 30 times need patch or not getting what we paid for

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: xEpsilonHero.1403


Everyone just needs to calm down. You won’t get compensation.
Jeffrey already said he’s trying to get the fix out BEFORE Nov. 5th.
(Hoping for tomorrow’s patch for Mad King part 2.)

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: IamLegend.1673


this hasa to be fixed immediately cant wait till nov 5 fo update push it now please it is very fustrating not being able to progress in the story

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Naos.9812


I have the same issue, tried both orders, killed every destroyer egg, restarted, re logged. I submitted a bug report in game, but wanted to add my name to the list here too… the more the merrier, right? Anyway, time to go play my other alt :-/

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: MRZA MOJO.1283


I also have had this bug. and what can i do now? Stuck with this charrakter. no progres in the game !!?? and there will be no gift no nothing when they fix it ,be sure ppl

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: among.6297


Same case with Moggy. I got googled this. After the friend died, the third skitt supposed to say 4 lines. But he stopped at 3rd lines. My Human Guardian stuck at this. Currently playing Sylvari Ranger because of this. Please kindly resolve this bug. I though’t I was the only one, but looking at the forum, it is indeed a bug because so many people already reported this quest.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Souf.2893


I’ve already hit level 80 and my story is still stuck at level 45.. Haha. Hopefully this fix comes out before Nov. 5th.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Doom Hope.8120

Doom Hope.8120

I have been having the same problem now four time yesterday night and again today. After clearing the whole room and saving the first group, I get to Tchkik and he cries about his girlfriend and then nothing else, the Quest just gray out and then nothing. I even tried to have him killed by the Oozes to no avail…

Are we really gonna have to wait until after November 5th to finish this Story part?

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Madenas.3149


i have as the same problem playing as sylvari and after complete kill all mobs harpy not summoning and i don`t have choice to finish this story quest after leave instance zone instance restarting.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Rand.2973


God this is really frustrating. I want to get my story done before November 6th since that is when Halo 4 comes out so I won’t be playing this as much.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Trathias.1490


still bugged… this is annoying !

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Vexas.5829


Please push this update out quickly.. I planned on leveling my thief through story quests this weekend and now I cannot take that course of action.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Vexas.5829


Is there any option to petition a GM or a create ticket to just move those of us stuck on this story part past this point?

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Boomheadshot.7054


new build incoming 1min 30 sec. Idk why but im hoping the fix is coming along with whatever this one is for.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Dreanys.1530


Still bugged. Yeah.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Nikaido.6739


I also have the same issue… I follow the story direction and save all the skirtts, but the last one simply cry about his friend’s death and does not response to anything else.

I clear the cave, enemies keep on re appeares and nothing happened. The story doesn’t go any further.

I’ve tried 4 times… and invited a friend in my party to tried one more time, same out come! If so many people encounter the same issue, it must be bugged.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Bacardi Superior.3627

Bacardi Superior.3627

I just got this problem today. I first thought it was because my internet dropped for 2-3 seconds but when trying it again 3 times. Same issue.

This is major and should be fixed now.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Doom Hope.8120

Doom Hope.8120

new build incoming 1min 30 sec. Idk why but im hoping the fix is coming along with whatever this one is for.

I had the same amount of hope but unfortunately after grinding the instance once again after this latest update I still come out with same result. Tchkik doesn’t want to move and the quest is still bugged.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: PIE.9081


Very frustrating Still gotta wait 2 weeks ish just to continue my main quest line! Makes me really regret choosing this route, I should have frikkin let the skritt save his own friends!

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Bacardi Superior.3627

Bacardi Superior.3627

Everyone just needs to calm down. You won’t get compensation.
Jeffrey already said he’s trying to get the fix out BEFORE Nov. 5th.
(Hoping for tomorrow’s patch for Mad King part 2.)

That’s a comment I was waiting for.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Dane.9480


Pffftttt they keep disconecting me with “game update” … but the bug is still there.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Dane.9480


lol this is just perfect

After last “update” I can’t even log in :p

Way to go .. if there where a monthly fee … I would have cancled ..
now I can do kitten ……..

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: revy.4320


Third world services.And what we get for stating the obvious?Infraction.Way to go,gentlemen.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: The Comfy Chair.7265

The Comfy Chair.7265

Don’t worry about all these whiners, just get the fix through QA and release as soon as you can. I know it can take some time, actually working in the software industry gives you some perspective on what happens (I’m guessing many posters here thing you just do some code changes and press the magic ‘update’ button that updates the game, job done).

I know it’s frustrating as a developer when you have to wait for the cogs in the rest of the machine to turn, but keep it up and know many people still appreciate what you’re doing and actually know what it’s like to be stressed because impatient people with no understanding of the situation keep badgering you.

Maybe we’ll get lucky and the fix is ready for Monday so we can carry on with the story after the main events for halloween

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Silvia.6795


Here’s a thought, perhaps you can make it so we can take the other option ( getting the bomb materials) ? Then we don’t have to wait. I don’t care which i do really so long as i can continue the story. Not sure what it would take to do that just a thought

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: NegativeZero.9045


I’m normally a patient person when it comes to bugs and updates but considering this blocks progress for story and was reported over a month ago I don’t understand why this isn’t a higher priority bug. Something that completely blocks story progression I think should be patched within 48 hours considering it’s been:
A: confirmed
B: fixed internally

I understand the Halloween event has things being a bit more hectic then normal but expected fix on this is 2 weeks away still that’s just not okay.

Also to the Jeff guy thats been posting in here I want to Thank you for your effort on this. It sounds like you really are trying to push this forward and personally your side of actually finding and fixing the issue was done very quickly. So to you or your team or whoever did the actual finding and fixing I want to say again: Thank you. Now please go give the person that is holding this up a swift kick in the kitten (edit: LOL at awesome way to censor) for us so we can get your work live

(edited by NegativeZero.9045)

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: stonedmixer.8243


still buggy…. stuck for few days already….

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: tane.2067


I also hit this bug. Oh no, my storyline is blocked, I can’t play my character! This is an emergency and I certainly can’t wait 8 whole days or do something else, like playing through the giant Halloween event they’ve just patched in, or exploring more of the world, or PvPing, or playing one of my other characters, or…

Good job identifying and fixing the issue in such a timely fashion. Keep up the good work, this game is amazing.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: horus.7628


waiting till november is unacceptable willing to wait 1 week no longer fix the kitten problem faster then november personal story should take priorty over seasion events such as halloween

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Meowster.3521


ANet’s priorities are honestly dead wrong in this case.
They should prioritize fixing story quests over whatever’s wrong with the Halloween update. ESPECIALLY considering Jeff figured out the problem and all they have to really do is roll it out.

You should prioritize fixing content we have all PAID for rather than a FREE update.
Now I understand that waiting until Nov 5th isn’t the end of the world, but seriously, get your priorities straight.

>Fix major gamebreaking and/or progress hindering bugs in PAID CONTENT first
>Fix bugs introduced with a FREE patch second

DoT’s up the ass.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: PIE.9081


ANet’s priorities are honestly dead wrong in this case.
They should prioritize fixing story quests over whatever’s wrong with the Halloween update. ESPECIALLY considering Jeff figured out the problem and all they have to really do is roll it out.

You should prioritize fixing content we have all PAID for rather than a FREE update.
Now I understand that waiting until Nov 5th isn’t the end of the world, but seriously, get your priorities straight.

>Fix major gamebreaking and/or progress hindering bugs in PAID CONTENT first
>Fix bugs introduced with a FREE patch second

I agree with this. It’s kind of ridic I can’t advance my MAIN storyline for the next 2 weeks ish.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Boomheadshot.7054


oh btw dont do cadecus manor story mode its bugged too

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: revy.4320


Don’t worry about all these whiners, just get the fix through QA and release as soon as you can. I know it can take some time, actually working in the software industry gives you some perspective on what happens (I’m guessing many posters here thing you just do some code changes and press the magic ‘update’ button that updates the game, job done).

I know it’s frustrating as a developer when you have to wait for the cogs in the rest of the machine to turn, but keep it up and know many people still appreciate what you’re doing and actually know what it’s like to be stressed because impatient people with no understanding of the situation keep badgering you.

Maybe we’ll get lucky and the fix is ready for Monday so we can carry on with the story after the main events for halloween

Let me elaborate on our no understanding of the situation:
They have located the bug,they have engineered the solution,they have forward the solution.But they wont patch it,because its not of high priority.This is how we do not understand the situation.

Maybe we’ll get lucky?We are customers that paid for their product.Its not like they are doing us a favour.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: The Comfy Chair.7265

The Comfy Chair.7265

The reason, revy, is because it needs to go through the QA process, and random bits of code can’t be throw out to patch fixes if other parts of a patch dependant on that code (which in a game is fairly common) have also been tested. This fix may be ‘finished’, but if another fix due out the day after breaks, and then this fix needs altering as a result (because it is an indirect cause), it becomes a mess and is extremely inefficient.

That’s where the misunderstanding comes in.

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: The Comfy Chair.7265

The Comfy Chair.7265

If you need analogy, think of a roundabout with cars, if everyone charges headfirst into it without consideration of all the other moving parts (cars), things get pretty messy pretty quickly don’t they? It’s the same for software development.

It’s not as simple as people seem to think. The coding part is probably the easiest bit!

I would like the ability to revert to the last choice, but funnily such a change will likely take longer to get to us than this fix.

(sorry about the double post, the edit button didn’t appear for about 5 minutes)

(edited by The Comfy Chair.7265)

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: mate.9048


The same problem here… When they will fix it I will be 60 at least so i will have to do so many quests^^ But I am very disappointed because the patch is coming in November.

Kalaap-lvl 80 Human Elementalist
Seafarer’s Rest
Barátság Hösei [BH](Hungarian Guild ^^)

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: veslarius.8425


Being compensated for the bug is unrealistic as all games of this size and magnitude encounter a large number of bugs in its earlier stages. If they were to compensate everyone affected by a bug, they would spend more time doing that than fixing the problems. As far as no monthly fee being a gift, I think it’s more in the lines of a marketing strategy. People tend to shy away from adding monthly bills because they are inconvenient and they take away from a sense of owning what you earn in game. People with the funds don’t mind paying large one time purchases if they feel like they bought something that they can own, such as in the gem store. Most games are going free to play and focusing on in game store sales. To solve this problem and ones like it, it might be a good idea to block bugged quest options once reported in great number and to restart story line for the accounts requesting it on account of such progress blocking bugs. This solution could even be too resource intensive, but it’s a thought xD

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Engel Angel.9076

Engel Angel.9076

I don’t mind waiting for glitchy standalone skillpoints or events, but something that literally stops me from advancing the “real” game, now that’s really annoying…but then again, a mmo with no monthly fee AND that works on a mac, I don’t really have anything to complain about… :P

“A single picture is worth a thousand words”

The hatchery bugged?

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Posted by: Annara.4961


OK .. number XXX complaining about getting stucked in The Hatchery…
I see there are several threads and topics made about this issue. I also see Anet tried to fix it several times, but appearantly that didn’t help.

I tried this personal story quest about 6x and I’m giving up. The quest just won’t continue after reaching Tchkik (after rescuing and talking to his friends Vrackan and Yikuk). Tchkik just lost his friend Kittaka and is moarning about it and then….. nothing

When can we expect the solution to this bug or can we get a get-around?

Thanks and Cya