The mouse's right button double function - a bad idea.
Considering that double left click is already usable to interact with objects, and single left click targets characters/mobs, this dual functioning of the right mouse button is just plain stupid, especially considering how it regularly causes you to switch targets to un-aggroed mobs while in combat, which, if you’re a ranged class, you end up pulling, while you also have to reselect your original target.
Left click move camera and right click move camera aren’t the same thing, right click also turns your character if you’re moving while left click doesn’t.
I also have problems with accidentally changing my target when I turn the camera with left mouse button. I think the perfect solution to this issue would be for left click to change target on mouse UP instead of DOWN, and only if the cursor hasn’t moved much. This way you could use it to target but if you dragged it would only turn camera.
(edited by Khiyna.9348)
It looks like the bahavior of the right mouse button has been changed so that dragging the camera is no longer likely to have you picking targets you don’t want, but GW2 still falls behind other games regarding it’s controls.
This is how mouse click events can interfere with camera/movement rotation control in MMOs. It shows at what point NPCs/players/objects that are under the mouse cursor can be targetted/interacted with while rotating the camera/turning your character.
Left click/release , Left click/hold/release, Left click/drag/release,
Right click/release , Right click/hold/release, Right click/drag/release.
release, -, -,
release, -, -
release, -, -,
release*, -, -
click, click, click
release, release, -
*Only when the target is in range to interract with.
(edited by polarity.8906)
IT is awfull, since last patch i have a pain rotating the camera, more often than not i click on something and the game choose to try to interact or target it instead of rotate the camera. Seriously give us a checkbox to ONLY USE right button to rotate camera.
This is driving me nuts and the lack of options here is just plain bad design. This is the only mmorpg ive played when rotating the camera is a challenge . . .
Community Coordinator
Thanks for your suggestion, but this subforum is for Game Bugs so will be closed. More forum sections appropriate for this topic will be opened in the future. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!