Thief Dodge Bug
Also reported by someone else:
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same problem
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian
Yeah, I started a thread in the thief forum. I’ll link it here. Trying to get other charr to say if they have the bug or not in my post. When I asked in map chat at the charr area, some charr thieves said it was working for them, others said it wasn’t. So I’m not sure what is causing the issue for some of us.
Here is the link to my thread:
Blur on dodge doesn’t work here on my charr (never did). I never realized it supposed to do something ’till I read on wiki that thieves had a special dodge animation. So I created a second thief (human) to check it out.
Blur on evade skills do work though.
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]
16.10 Hot fix ? No why ? Only 5% people in this time play thief and 0.001% play Charr thief why we fix this ?
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian