Thief Personal Story Bug

Thief Personal Story Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kjimmies.1850



Here’s another bug with Down the Hatch, I can complete the story just fine until you fight the three pirates at the very end. I’m level thirty three with thirty armor, and I cannot defeat them. They keep regenerating health, the fights get harder and harder every time I retry from a checkpoint. I’m not the only player having trouble from this issue, I play with a friend and watched her level 50 character suffer the same way. I have tried the instance on three separate occasions now and cannot get past it.

Thief Personal Story Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

I just played through as a L33 character, and didn’t have any problems. The pirates don’t have any regeneration boons, so I don’t see how they’re getting health back unless you kite them too far away and they heal up when they hit end their end of their leash and return to their starting location.

EDIT to add: Take out the tower (crow’s nest) right away, since you can destroy it without drawing the pirates into the fight. If you try to fight them and the tower all at once, it can be tough.

Thief Personal Story Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Starsicle.2895


I believe OP is talking about the drinking contest portion of the quest and not actual combat.
If this is so, are you doing the instance with another person? When you play it with a friend, said friend gets a heal skill which regenerates health for you….and apparently, your opponent (that’s probably not supposed to happen). If this is the case try the instance solo and see if you can finish it. (PS: fix that, yo)