[RET] of Fort Aspenwood
Thief Shortbow 3 animation bugged after patch
[RET] of Fort Aspenwood
Thank you Battou for keeping this very legitimate bug report thread alive. Here’s a little snip from the locked thread to get everyone up to speed who might not be aware of this bug.
It should also be noted that ArenaNet has stated this is in fact a bug (not working as intended) and is looking into a fix. To date this bug is still very much present.
After the May 20th patch (something fourwinds) Theif SHORTBOW 3 have a back-peddling animation of 3-4 steps after the thief lands…this completely ruins the skill.
The actual skill animation is 1½-2 sec LOONG atm and you only evade for ½ sec wich makes you a do nothing for 1½ except looking stupid and back-peddling.
This completely ruins the defensive prospect of the shortbow and makes you a very easy target. Since you cant do anything while in the animation, not even change the direction you are back-peddling.
It is better to not use shortbow 3 at the current state. Just hope you have enough to use 5 at least once.
There is no mention of adding a backpedal animation that extends the distance the thief actually travels. Also, this undesired bug came about with the May 20th patch, not the April 15th patch that mentioned those changes.
Evasion now lasts for .3 seconds less time than it had prior to April 15th. Now that this bug causes the player to be locked into an animation that lasts at least 1.5 seconds longer than it should, it leaves the player completely vulnerable for at least 1.2 seconds where they are unable to perform any action whatsoever.
Using these skills (thief and ranger #3) completely defeats the purpose for the skills to even exist as the added animation is more detrimental to the player than not using the skill in the first place.
It is basically shooting yourself in the foot to avoid getting your toe stepped on; it makes no sense and hurts you more than having your toe stepped on would.
There is no mention of any change being made to the ranger shortbow #3, which also has this added animation.
Two classes, the same weapon, the same skill slot, the same skill function, the same undesirable effect added to the back end of the animation – it being a bug is not in dispute, their being aware of it is.
Thanks for the info.
[RET] of Fort Aspenwood
Now I know why they locked that last thread…IT’S FIXED!
Just saw that both skills should be fixed with the new patch.
Great job ArenaNet! <3
EDIT: This is not fixed yet. Sorry I got a little ahead of myself before verifying after the patch. Still bugged.
(edited by Wasbunny.6531)
This skill is still bugged. animation isn’t as fluid as it has always been. feature pack ruined it.
This skill is still bugged.
animation isn’t as fluid as it has always been. feature pack ruined it.
Ugh…you’re totally right. Just tried on both my Ranger and Thief and they’re still bugged with an annoying back-pedal animation that locks out dodge. Same as before.
Not really sure what those patch notes were talking about. </3
I hope ArenaNet will fix them properly soon. It’s very gamebreaking for shortbow users