Thief Skill [Shadow Refuge] bug (assuming)

Thief Skill [Shadow Refuge] bug (assuming)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mister TaCo.8135

Mister TaCo.8135

Leaving the field prematurely (before it disappears), removes the three second stealth (That is stated in the tooltip) and grants you Revealed debuff.

This surely can’t be working as intended.

and yes, I am aware that it’s been the case since launch. Just wondering if ANet is aware, and if they have any plans on working on it.

(edited by Mister TaCo.8135)

Thief Skill [Shadow Refuge] bug (assuming)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mister TaCo.8135

Mister TaCo.8135

It’s not working as intended. Being knocked out should just prevent me from gaining more stacks of stealth, so instead of remaining in and getting 10s for the full 4 second duration of Shadow Refuge, if I get knocked out, I/others should still have 3s of stealth(at least).

If I place a refuge, and don’t enter it initially, go in and then get knocked out right as it disappears, I still remained stealth(for 3s). This is how it should work, for the entirety of this, not just when it disappears.

If you don’t understand how the skill should work, simply read the wiki article here:

(edited by Mister TaCo.8135)

Thief Skill [Shadow Refuge] bug (assuming)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mister TaCo.8135

Mister TaCo.8135

So you essentially agree that its a broken skill(since it doesn’t work as intended, intended in the way that its description states it should work(3s Stealth per pulse)).

Your issue is that it should remain broken. The problem has nothing to do with me managing evades and blah blah blah. The skill simply needs to be fixed and give you 3s Stealth per pulse.

Besides, I don’t really care how you feel about this skill, why are you arguing here? I’m just reporting a game bug. since it clearly isn’t working as intended.

(edited by Mister TaCo.8135)

Thief Skill [Shadow Refuge] bug (assuming)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Amasoful.2690


Not a bug kind sir.

Ozgard Thorson ~ 80 Warrior ~ Guardian of [eMoa]
Ozilius ~ 80 Guardian ~ Member of [SOUL]
Proud Citizen of Far Shiverpeaks

Thief Skill [Shadow Refuge] bug (assuming)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Deano.7913


It is not broken. How you described it is how it is supposed to work.

Here is what happens when you are knocked out or leave too soon:

This is exactly what it was intended to do.

[WP] Wisenheimer Prime | Guild Leader
Polyhistor Serpente – lvl 80 Elementalist | Crystal Desert

Thief Skill [Shadow Refuge] bug (assuming)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Twapper.7403


Countering a skill is fine, so if this is working as intended, again its fine by me.

But i do have to say that its really illogical considering the tooltip and the “pulse” mechanic. Why even have that on the tooltip if knocking a thief out, or walking out after 2 pulses still reveals him?

But i guess stealth mechanic is bound to be illogical in GW2.