I’d like to start a thread about things in the game’s UI that are hard to read. There are only a couple that I find difficult. Apologies if there’s already a thread for this and you have to merge this thread.
The places in the game where my eyes have trouble are all related to reading numbers. If text is a little unclear your mind usually automatically adjusts since people don’t read every character of every word anyway.
Where I have trouble with numbers is where the number is on a background with insufficient contrast. Here are three examples:
- Icons that have counts, and where the number is over a part of the icon that is using a light color. The basic salvage kit is the main one, though I think I’ve had some food stacks that gave me trouble in the past as well.
- Numbers on top of progress bars: On the world map display you have world completion and map completion, with the percent completed written right in the progress bar. The number is white text, and once you’re past 50%, it’s on an orange background. Lots of ways to fix this: change the color of the progress bar, use an algorithm to flip the text color to black for percentages over 50%, or move the number outside the progress bar.
- The numbers for the gold/silver/copper your char is carrying at the bottom of the inventory display. These are partially transparent, and over lots of backgrounds they are not contrasty enough to see well.
Note: If you are going to post “change your screen resolution”, “I’m 25 and I don’t have any trouble”, “you should stick your nose further into the screen”, or “you don’t need to read the numbers anyway, just see how full the progress bar is”, please just don’t bother, that’s all off-topic as far as I’m concerned — this thread is about everybody being able to see the numbers that are there to be seen. Thanks.