This 31/3 patch messes up screenshots folder

This 31/3 patch messes up screenshots folder

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Edan.6210


Before the patch, the screenshots folder was\(Username)\Documents\Guild Wars 2\Screens; after that, it becomes\(Username)\Documents\??2\Screens.

Why would the patch creates another folder while there is already one. Having another folder makes troubles in managing the pictures. Can we have an option on where the screenshots go?

Yes, I am from Hong Kong, from China. However, we don’t use simple Chinese in Hong Kong. Not all Chinese area uses simple Chinese. Please don’t force us to have a simple Chinese folder.

This 31/3 patch messes up screenshots folder

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mak.7625


That’s my problem too!
Also, the app data was changed to “C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\??2”
and I need to set my graphic settings again…

Edit: that ??2 at the end of the path location is simplifed chinese of Guild Wars 2, it turns to ??2 in the forum…