Through the Looking Glass Personal Story quest bug

Through the Looking Glass Personal Story quest bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nyxmyst.5819



Priory Story line, personal quest, level 73, Through the Looking Glass, Straights of Devastation, Blighted Battleground entry point.

Once again party members are unable to join me within the instance. The spawn rate is so ridiculous that I cannot keep up with the killing (level 80 Elementalist) mostly because the numpty npc’s you have saddled me with insist upon running forward and pulling two groups of 8 mobs each…then fall over and die. If I do, after much time and many deaths, manage to finally kill them all in ones and twos (which ends up being about 25 due to respawn rate) and start to rez my numpt…erm…npc’s, the rezed npc instantly jumps up and runs forward to engage the next group of 9 or so, thus starting the entire process over…only without having the npc’s to act at least as brief cannon fodder.

I have managed to get all the way to Trehearne (oooh…ahhhh, impressive…not!) twice, over the course of about 90 minutes of play. We won’t mention how many trips back to repair the broken armor or the cash spent in doing so.

One would think that after a month, the grouping issue would have been sorted out as it should be fairly high priority. I would hate to think that we’re going to be left hanging on this entirely..because I’m afraid that if I cannot finish the personal story line with my main character, I won’t bother touching it on any of my other characters. Thus far, I’ve been able to group up for about 25% of my personal story line quest. Of that, some of them only count once and we have to go back and repeat the step so the other player receives credit for having done so. (Battle for Claw Island) Of the other 75% of the quest line completed thus far, I’ve been on my own as nobody can join me.

Loving the game, but I’ll be glad when some of the more major bugs are sorted.

Through the Looking Glass Personal Story quest bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Deathwing.5813


I finished this quest just fine by myself, first try yesterday (lvl 80 ranger) – if this is actually bugged, it’s definitely not happening every time. I didn’t notice anything unusual about respawn rates, nor did I feel like I died more often than normal…if anything, I think the Eye actually was a lot weaker than he should have been, he went down with very minimal effort.

Through the Looking Glass Personal Story quest bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shedim.8504


Yes, since the new patch my wife and I can’t join each other on story missions. This needs to be hotfixed ASAP since it really makes me wanna quit this kittening game and leave it to the bugs and bots. Does Anet actually realize how ridiculous it is that partymembers can’t help each other out in their story missions? Sometimes I’m wondering if they actually try hard to ruin the game for everyone on purpose, now that it has been released.

Through the Looking Glass Personal Story quest bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nyxmyst.5819


Oddly enough, the inability to have someone with me started on and off from when I first began to progress down my personal storyline, which was sometime over the headstart weekend. It’s possible I’m simply ‘still’ bugged, in an on going process as I was when starting off. It’s frustrating though.

I have never even managed to catch sight of the eye in that step, thus far. I can barely make it to Trehearne, with much time, struggle and many deaths. (Not a problem I generally have). My gear is up to snuff for this.

I found I’m not the only one with this, it’s a matter of waiting for how long before it’s sorted…? /wry smile