(edited by Kendyl.1208)
Total Make-over Kit, Sylvari Glow [Merged]
Add me to the list of sad sylvaris.
Got total makeover to fix up my female character’s face and hair, ended up with no glow bug.
Yes it is very sad. I used to love nighttime in game, now all it does is remind me my glow is gone, and that I am very dull now.
Weird i suddenly got my glow back couple of days ago (while it was gone after using the total make over kit) but today it was gone again :L (havent used a kit)
I wish I would suddenly get my glow back (and have it stay!)
Was hoping for a miraculous fix with the maintenance, but still no way to get my glow back.
Yep, still no glow -.-
Anyone knows if the makeoverkits now work with female sylvari and glow?
No idea. I wish they’d post patch notes, so I know if it’s safe to try it.
Does not work yet :-(
Thanks :/
It’s so sad without glow…
I had so much hope this would be the fix! cries I want my glow back!!
I’m pretty disappointed too. I wish they’d say when they think they’ll get around to it.
Yeah it is something that makes my sylvari special and is different from other races. i finally got my armor/weapon combo i like…then i lose my glow. I wish there was a way to reset it to max while we wait for a kit fix. I would be so upset if I cant get my glow back for a long time.
Well got a total make over kit to change glow to see that there was no glow at all.So came to forums and found this post on it.Wish i would of found this post first instead of spending my gems on it.
Support ticket 130214-000361
I was able to obtain a gem refund for the kits i purchased. However, I when i asked when this issue would be fixed, this was the response:
Response GM Untharin via Email 02/13/2013 11:59 AM
Hello N******,
Thank you for taking the time to follow up with us regarding this issue. Sadly we do not currently have an ETA on the resolution to this issue. Please keep an eye on the forums and the game updates page for any further information regarding this. Should you require assistance with anything else please feel free to let us know.
GM Untharin
The Guild Wars Support Team
I received a similar response several weeks ago. It is very disappointing. I understand the priority of making game mechanic changes and enhancing things like PVP, but all of us that this affected spent GEMS to change our characters appearance. And instead of being enhanced, we lost something that can’t be corrected. Because it is not advertised, most of us had no idea this was a known bug. If you keep up on all the forum complaints and bug reports, you would never had time to play the game.
I hope this goes up on their list of things to address and fix.
I am really hoping that this will be fixed at the latest with the feb 26 update. It is very discouraging that we don’t have an eta or an update yet.
Meh, I’m taking a break from the game since this issue occurred, hoping to come back when it’s fixed. C’mon Anet! impatient
It is just so important because it involves my character. Bugged events can be annoying but avoided. My character is the most important thing to me in a mmo and i am looking at her the entire time I am logged in. It bothers me so much while I am playing. Please push a fix for this soon.
Add me to the list of sad Sylvari.
I had used one kite previously on my male (still male) Sylvari without any issues – I’m unsure but I believe the glow was absent for about a day, however it returned. Or perhaps I started paying attention, I don’t know.
Used a second kit a few days ago on my female Sylvari to completely revamp her, two days passed without noticing any glow before I decided to check the forums.
A fix sooner rather than later would be grand, however I’m concerned it may involve utilizing yet another makeover kit to reapply the glow.
Add me to the list of sad Sylvari.
I had used one kite previously on my male (still male) Sylvari without any issues – I’m unsure but I believe the glow was absent for about a day, however it returned. Or perhaps I started paying attention, I don’t know.
Used a second kit a few days ago on my female Sylvari to completely revamp her, two days passed without noticing any glow before I decided to check the forums.A fix sooner rather than later would be grand, however I’m concerned it may involve utilizing yet another makeover kit to reapply the glow.
they will refund gems for your kit if you sumbit a ticket which is very nice. However;
i just want my glow back and would gladly pay the gems for it. I just wish we would get a fix for this soon.
Add me to the list of sad female sylvari, I purchased the kit and changed both my eye colour and glow colour. At character creation (3 months and 80 lvls ago) I had a maxed purple-pink glow, I attempted to switch it to white and ended up glow-less.
Another for the growing list.
I just lost my 100% glow using a Self-style Hair Kit to change my female sylvari’s hair style and color. That kit doesn’t event have options for the glow, but still completely removed it.
I’ve already submitted a ticket and requested a gem refund. I’m not sure what good that will do if/when this is fixed. I assume the glow change was “saved” as if I had actually done it, so I doubt this being fixed later will restore my glow. And the kit I used lacks the options to get it back. I did bring this point up in my ticket, but I don’t expect to be refunded the 200 gems(sale price) plus more in order to buy the Total Makeover kit that will most likely be required to fix this.
Update edit:
I got up this morning and found a response from support that was sent just an hour or two after I submitted the ticket. I was refunded gems, enough to get 2 Total Makeover Kits, actually. I had purchased 2 of those back in January for another character (made some changes then still wasn’t happy with it), but the kit that caused today’s problem was the hair-only kit. Given the nature of the problem, and the limits of the hair kit, I think enough gems to cover a Total Makeover Kit is appropriate(that’s what it will take to correct the problem once the bug is fixed).
As the GM told said in the response email, I will be keeping an eye on the forums and patch notes for a fix. I’ll pick up a kit when I know it’s safe to restore my glow. The quick response and refund are much appreciated. It won’t fix my missing glow yet, but I’ll be able to fix it later without having to spend more cash/gold because of this bug.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
(edited by mrstealth.6701)
I am glad you got a refund that will let you change glow when a fix is put into game. I really hope they have a fix for this aboit figured out and that it is not.aomething that will take a month+ to implement.
Another glowless sylvari here!
I bought one of the discounted self-style hair kits to use on my female sylvari engineer and after that I noticed she no longer glowed at night. I ended up wasting four total makeover kits to try to restore the glow. One time I used a kit to turn my engineer male, adjusted the glow, and used another kit to restore him to a her. It did not work. My female sylvari remained glowless.
So I used one final total makeover kit to change my sylvari engineer to male because I missed the glow so much, and he’ll remain male until whenever ANet fixes this problem. At least my engineer’s name is gender neutral enough to pull this off.
I reported this to ANet using the in-game bug report, but I will file a bug report at the website when I have more time. Hopefully I’ll be refunded for those makeover kits.
(edited by jciardha.1936)
I was going to change my female sylvari’s eye color too….good thing i stumbled upon this hugs sylvari tight everything will be ok…….
I was going to change my female sylvari’s eye color too….good thing i stumbled upon this
hugs sylvari tight everything will be ok…….
Thank you! hugs glad you saw it before you shared our fate. I am really hoping we get an update soon. It makes me sad :-(
Mr. Vaughn…any word on a fix? Even if it is not until the February 26 update just knowing it is going to be fixed would help ease our worried minds. Thank you :-)
(edited by Kendyl.1208)
Mr. Vaughn…any word on a fix? Even if it is not until the February 26 update just knowing it is going to be fixed would help ease our worried minds. Thank you :-)
I, too, would appreciate some kind of current feedback on this from ArenaNet. Character appearance is quite arguably one of the most important things to players.
Please keep us informed on the status of this fix.
Edit: typo
(edited by Chuo.4238)
Mr. Vaughn…any word on a fix? Even if it is not until the February 26 update just knowing it is going to be fixed would help ease our worried minds. Thank you :-)
I, too, would appreciate some kind of current feedback on this from ArenaNet. Character appearance is quite arguably one of the most important things to players.
Please keep us informed on the status of this fix.
Edit: typo
Yes character appearance is one of the most important things. I love getting my character to look how I want through gear/weapons etc. The fact something so important to Sylvari (her glow) was lost because of using a kit to change something totally unrelated bothers me a lot. Hopefully we can get a fix soon, or at least an eta of when we can expect one.
Hope this can be fixed soon!
Yet another to join the club.
I play only Sylvari. I have four now, and WAS planning to buy extra slots so I could have all 8 professions. Now, I don’t even want to play anymore. Not until this is fixed. ANet cannot pretend that they don’t know how important a character’s appearance is to a player. If they didn’t know that, they wouldn’t have created the legendaries.
Simply put, ANet took our money and ruined our characters. This is NOT a backburner issue.
I’ll be back on the 26th to see if the fix has been made. If it hasn’t, I won’t be back for a long time, and certainly won’t be spending any money on additional… anything.
Yet another to join the club.
I play only Sylvari. I have four now, and WAS planning to buy extra slots so I could have all 8 professions. Now, I don’t even want to play anymore. Not until this is fixed. ANet cannot pretend that they don’t know how important a character’s appearance is to a player. If they didn’t know that, they wouldn’t have created the legendaries.
Simply put, ANet took our money and ruined our characters. This is NOT a backburner issue.
I’ll be back on the 26th to see if the fix has been made. If it hasn’t, I won’t be back for a long time, and certainly won’t be spending any money on additional… anything.
I understand how upset you are, Sylvari is the only race I truly enjoy playing on. I also agree this should not be a backburner issue and i hope a fix get pushed soon. It is getting harder to keep logging in only to be disappointed this is not.fixed.
C’mon arenanet, fix this please >.<
Can’t believe this bug still exists…so sad :/
This kit has totally destroyed my happiness. I kinda wish you guys would just STOP selling it to unsuspecting folks until you get this problem fixed. I bought the kit, adjusted the color of my glow and poof – no glow! It now is set to perma-low no matter what I do.
Filed a ticket, and no refund or nothing has happened. Bought FOUR more kits and tried to follow the advice of other forum gamers who report mixed success getting their glow back. Nothing. $50.00 later, no refunds, no answers, just more delays fixing one of the more personal issues in a game – one based on a major source of player satisfaction and account retention: identifying and bonding with your avatar.
To be honest, the first few days after losing my glow I didn’t think it would bother me as much as it has, but it grows on you. Eating away and making you more frustrated and sad each time you notice the issue. I am lucky to game with my fiance, who also plays a Sylvari. Every time it’s evening, and my partner is glowing, it makes me unhappy I am not glowing as well.
I feel ignored and dismissed as a gaming consumer =(
(edited by icbleu.1629)
This kit has totally destroyed my happiness. I kinda wish you guys would just STOP selling it to unsuspecting folks until you get this problem fixed. I bought the kit, adjusted the color of my glow and poof – no glow! It now is set to perma-low no mater what I do.
Filed a ticket, and no refund or nothing has happened. Bought FOUR more kits and tried to follow the advice of other forum gamers who report mixed success getting their glow back. Nothing. $50.00 later, no refunds, no answers, just more delays fixing one of the more personal issues in a game – one based on a major source of player satisfaction and account retention: identifying and bonding with your avatar.
To be honest, the first few days after losing my glow I didn’t think it would bother me as much as it has, but it grows on you. Eating away and making you more frustrated and sad each time you notice the issue. I am lucky to game with my fiance, who also plays a Sylvari. Every time it’s evening, and my partner is glowing, it makes me unhappy I am not glowing as well.
I feel ignored and dismissed as a gaming consumer =(
Totally agree that they should just lock down the kits or make them unusable for sylvari until this bug is fixed.
This kit has totally destroyed my happiness. I kinda wish you guys would just STOP selling it to unsuspecting folks until you get this problem fixed. I bought the kit, adjusted the color of my glow and poof – no glow! It now is set to perma-low no mater what I do.
Filed a ticket, and no refund or nothing has happened. Bought FOUR more kits and tried to follow the advice of other forum gamers who report mixed success getting their glow back. Nothing. $50.00 later, no refunds, no answers, just more delays fixing one of the more personal issues in a game – one based on a major source of player satisfaction and account retention: identifying and bonding with your avatar.
To be honest, the first few days after losing my glow I didn’t think it would bother me as much as it has, but it grows on you. Eating away and making you more frustrated and sad each time you notice the issue. I am lucky to game with my fiance, who also plays a Sylvari. Every time it’s evening, and my partner is glowing, it makes me unhappy I am not glowing as well.
I feel ignored and dismissed as a gaming consumer =(
Please, can someone from anet give us a little hope here. Is this going to be fixed on or before the 2/26 update?
This is affecting our characters, not a quest, not an item, but our actual characters that we are supposed to identify with and invest in. Please do not push off this fix for any longer then it has to be.
(edited by Kendyl.1208)
So I just tried this twice now :\ And I’d appreciate if you guys could refund me the 2nd batch of 350 diamonds as I decided to try and fix it myself, which obviously didn’t work.
So yeah, first of all I’d like my 350 diamonds back please…
Second of all, the point of the topic. The Sylvari glow is QUITE bugged if you use the Full Makeover Kit :\
I tried the first time, and I was 110% sure that I had the slider set to FULL GLOW as I had when I first created her(Literally, I never even TOUCHED the glow slider as I worked on her for her makeover, I’m totally certain of it!!!)
Once I was done I found it super odd that the eyes glowed, but her body/hair did not…
I decided to just wait it out, perhaps it was because it was daytime in the game as I did see a sun.
I waited till 6:09am EXACTLY servertime, I actually waited ALL night for this, and I’ve seen the eyes switch from dim orange, to bright glowing amber as they would overnight, but her hair and body remains completely glow free.
At 6:40~am I decided to go ahead and give it another shot as I’d seen people on the forums claim that theirs worked after trying a second time so I did the same.
This time I paid CLOSE! Attention to the glow slider, and sure enough!
1) I see the slider’s at 0(WAY to the left)
2) I move the slider to 100(WAY to the right)
3) I switched panels, and look at the face details, and I change her eyesize by just a tiny little NUDGE, just enough to get the “Make Changes” button to ungray itself, since apparently changing JUST the glow intensity does not apply as a ‘change’
4) I switch the lighting on and off after Step 3 and I notice the glow is gone again.
5) I go back to the body pattern page and AGAIN the Glow slider has automatically moved to 0(WAY to the left) again….
6) I yet again move the glow intensity slider to 100(WAY to the right), and immediately hit Make Changes
7) Glow is still not there…
Conclusion: The error you have with the glow, is that the glow itself does not appear to register in the game as a ‘change’. It’s quite obvious since the “Make Changes” key is grayed out/inactive when you have touched ABSOLUTELY NOTHING….But it REMAINS grayed out/inactive when you have touched absolutely nothing BUT the glow slider…The glow slider also seems to be stuck in a ‘default’ mode, which is as all the other races in the game? No glow, as in 0(WAY to the left).
Thank you.
Yes this is a terrible bug….and one we are still waiting on a fix for. You are not alone…a lot of us have fell victim to this bug.
More people have run into this bug.
want to be sure they see this so maybe we can help someone before they decide to use a kit.
support ticket 130215-000851
I’ve been following this forum discussion for a while since we “discuss” the same problem on the german forum and get no response AT ALL – while they at least said something once or twice over here.
I used the discounted self-style hair kit and my sylvari is glowless now – although I only changed her hair. Well, ye, I got refunded after reporting it, but that’s not the problem. I would have loved to spent my money for something that actually worked. I would not have minded if they kept it and gave me my glow back, but nothing happens. And even if they fix it: if the only way to regain it means buying another total makeover kit I would still think this unfair because it forces me to spend more money than I intended to spend at first.
I think there are two things that should be done:
1) keep us informed. even if you dont have a way of fixing this yet, tell us. dont make us feel ignored.
2) i think free kits for those who lost their glow (after this is fixed) are the least we should get.
I do not understand why the kits are still available when this problem exists. It totally ruins characters..
Nachos Con Lobos [Lobo]
Norn Ranger
I have used the total makeover kit on my female sylvari and lost the glow as well.
When they fix this issue – hopefully soon – will I need another makeover kit to readd it (i.e. should I contact CS and ask for a refund) or will it be solved automatically?
support ticket 130215-000851
I’ve been following this forum discussion for a while since we “discuss” the same problem on the german forum and get no response AT ALL – while they at least said something once or twice over here.
I used the discounted self-style hair kit and my sylvari is glowless now – although I only changed her hair. Well, ye, I got refunded after reporting it, but that’s not the problem. I would have loved to spent my money for something that actually worked. I would not have minded if they kept it and gave me my glow back, but nothing happens. And even if they fix it: if the only way to regain it means buying another total makeover kit I would still think this unfair because it forces me to spend more money than I intended to spend at first.
I think there are two things that should be done:
1) keep us informed. even if you dont have a way of fixing this yet, tell us. dont make us feel ignored.
2) i think free kits for those who lost their glow (after this is fixed) are the least we should get.
I do not understand why the kits are still available when this problem exists. It totally ruins characters..
I completely and totally agree and support this. Keep us informed, please. We just want to know if you have a fix. This is something very important to us as it affects our characters. If you have a fix, it would alleviate a lot of peoples stress and frustration related to the issue. Give us the fix, let us get back to the characters we created.
I don’t have an ETA for when the fix will go live, but we do have one in the works that’s running through testing right now. As mentioned earlier in the thread, if you have purchased a makeover kit and been hit by this bug, please open a ticket with support and they will work with you to refund your gems. Thanks for your patience!
Bought last night around 2am or so. Haven’t received any in game mail. Would like what I bought with my 350 gems. It is showing on my buy list.
I am not as interested in the gem refund (would be nice) but more of getting my glow back.
I don’t have an ETA for when the fix will go live, but we do have one in the works that’s running through testing right now. As mentioned earlier in the thread, if you have purchased a makeover kit and been hit by this bug, please open a ticket with support and they will work with you to refund your gems. Thanks for your patience!
Thank you for your reply Mr. Vaughn. I hope testing goes well amd we can get a fix this week. If the fix passes testing is it possible it would be pushed live this week or would we need to wait until update on 2/26?
This is almost always caused by a full mailbox. There’s a bug where the X/10 mail display doesn’t count some emails, even though they will block new messages from arriving. Clear out your mailbox, and give the system a few minutes to send messages that have been queued up.
I am not as interested in the gem refund (would be nice) but more of getting my glow back.
Same…just want my glow.
Thank you. Got the item with in minutes. Will remember this for the future.
Thank you I got the refund. I hope y’all fix the bug asap.