Total Make-over Kit, Sylvari Glow [Merged]
I would love ticket numbers related to the Sylvari situation, so that we can look into the matter further. I believe we are handling this differently than you were told and we do want to handle these properly! So thanks for letting me know those 12-digit incident numbers.
EDIT: I just pulled these names and one of our CS team members is going to look for your tickets:
But please, if anyone else is concerned about this, please contact Support by filing a ticket through the “Ask a Question” tab on that linked page and if you need to follow up on your ticket, provide your 12-digit number here to expedite the review.
Thanks for your patience, and for understanding!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
130130-002102 is my reference number. My issue is related to the Total Make-over Kit not saving face on my female, human necro though.
I would love ticket numbers related to the Sylvari situation, so that we can look into the matter further. I believe we are handling this differently than you were told and we do want to handle these properly!
Thanks for letting me know those 12-digit incident numbers.
My ticket number is 130201-001813. Thanks again for looking into it.
Esmeralda Von Trier: Level 80 Human Guardian (Serenity And Scars on Tarnished Coast server)
Ursula Von Trier: Level 65 Sylvari Mesmer (Serenity And Scars on Tarnished Coast server)
I already got taken care of shortly after I put a ticket in through the website. I did put the wrong category though, but I’m all taken care of. If you need it, my ticket was 130131-000311.
On the bug report thing, I think one was reporting a botter, and I don’t remember what the other one was, but I’m just so used to hearing back from a GM in game and the in game system is always for support tickets. I just assumed the bug report was a support ticket from past experiences elsewhere. No biggie though, now I know and that’s more than a little portion of the battle.
(edited by FrostyBou.5491)
Thank you for your assistance Gaile. I finally recieved my refund. Have a lovely evening.
Edit: The team mistook my issue with that of the Slyvari. The team is very aware of the problem with the glow and they’ll fix it when they can
(edited by Zeivu.3615)
I just received my refund as well. Thanks again! I will keep an eye out for when the Total Makeover Kit bug gets fixed in a later patch.
Esmeralda Von Trier: Level 80 Human Guardian (Serenity And Scars on Tarnished Coast server)
Ursula Von Trier: Level 65 Sylvari Mesmer (Serenity And Scars on Tarnished Coast server)
Got my refund as well. Thanks Gaile!
Thank you for your assistance Gaile. I finally recieved my refund. Have a lovely evening.
Edit: The team mistook my issue with that of the Slyvari. The team is very aware of the problem with the glow and they’ll fix it when they can
Hey, did they refund gems only? I had the same problem and was refunded gems within a few days.
So for users who were affected by the human female gothic face, do we just keep our bugged looks? Will we get anyone to change our looks back? We should get a complimentary total makeover kit mailed to us. It’s only fair since the product we purchased simply did not work and just have us random looks.
EDIT: Can anyone confirm if the human gothic face is fixed? If I select it, will I actually get it this time?
(edited by Kums.2536)
I had 100% glow at creation—just used the total makeover kit to change the color of my glow—made sure the intensity was at max since I noticed it had reverted to 0.
It looked perfect in the panel, used the kit…. and poof… NO GLOW.
sigh… i bought 2 kits…thinking the first time had been my mistake
The saving issue I was talking about was fixed the day I posted this topic. You can find the notice in the update logs, both on the forums and the wiki. They said that they noticed that I bought another kit after the glitch was fixed and gave me 350 gems back to pay for glitched one. I don’t know how they’ll handle those who obtained the kits without buying gems. However, I don’t see an issue with giving gems back to us whom paid Arenanet directly for them. The gem shop can be accessed at any time. (In short, I can confirm it was fixed)
Thank you for your assistance Gaile. I finally recieved my refund. Have a lovely evening.
Edit: The team mistook my issue with that of the Slyvari. The team is very aware of the problem with the glow and they’ll fix it when they can
Hey, did they refund gems only? I had the same problem and was refunded gems within a few days.
So for users who were affected by the human female gothic face, do we just keep our bugged looks? Will we get anyone to change our looks back? We should get a complimentary total makeover kit mailed to us. It’s only fair since the product we purchased simply did not work and just have us random looks.
EDIT: Can anyone confirm if the human gothic face is fixed? If I select it, will I actually get it this time?
(edited by Zeivu.3615)
The bug appears to be isolated to female sylvari with 0 glow at creation. We’re working on the bug now, but I don’t have an ETA for a fix right now, sorry.
Its not, I’m 100% glow and my glow jus went away after I used a kit. only changed its colour =/
Do I have to make a separate account jus to file a support ticket? ; ;
My character is perma bugged now with no glow, a gem refund wont fix this . _ .
I too had 100% at creation & just wanted to change my Sylvari’s skin color, I didn’t know about the bug & after the first one came out w/ no glow, I tried again & then even a third time, I was so frustrated. No glow at all and I am really hoping they will refund our gems or at least give us kits to make up for the ones wasted :/
2 makeovers
1 sylvari
0 glow :c
[Incident: 130130-002118]
Used my makeover kit, no glow. I have just been told so far to wait for the patch to see if it’s fixed, and go from there. Any idea when Sylvari will be fixed and I can glow again? I only used one kit so as long as the changes get made sometime I don’t mind, but kinda bummed that I spent gems to give my Sylvari glow (because for some dumb reason i didn’t give her glow when I made her) and I am sitting here, out gems, with no glow. Any sort of update on what we can expect would be much appreciated. I’ve got to be honest, it’s a little frustrating to see others getting refunds, and I’m being told to just wait and see. Glad things are getting sorted out. Thanks for your help!
(edited by AJ Wolf.7825)
I put it under refund, not sure if that is the right one though…
As long they can fix it with or without another makeover kit I would be happy enough, but I want my gems back if I need to buy another one to fix the problem.
Incident: 130203-000964
I hope you will find a fix for the glow soon.
I put it under “Gameplay” as it was suggested in another thread about the same issue.
Thanks for your help!
Incident: 130203-001160
It just happened to me too… sigh =( all I wanted was a prettier sylvari. I put it under refunds, but I don’t actually want a money refund, a gem refund or replacement kit would be fine.
omg pwnies \o/
I have the same problem with my Sylvari… the only answer from Support I got was they work on the problem. Not more not less.
Edited my support ticket.. maybe I’ll get a refund too. Hope so, maybe it will work with the Glowcolor tab open as some said….
Just in case: my ticketnumber is Incident: 130129-000877
(edited by Chaosteilchen.8026)
I have the same problem with my Sylvari… the only answer from Support I got was they work on the problem. Not more not less.
Edited my support ticket.. maybe I’ll get a refund too. Hope so, maybe it will work with the Glowcolor tab open as some said….Just in case: my ticketnumber is Incident: 130129-000877
The way it works.
You get a broken item that costs you real money.
Support does nothing for you. They hope you go away and they hope to steal your money. Support wants you to be quiet sheep.
You report again that you bought something and got nothing, and demand (respectfully) a return.
They give you back gems, or they don’t. Support treats the same problem differently for different players. Some get ‘lucky’ and get what they bought, and others just lose.
Hope that helps.
[Incident: 130202-000826]
They’re “reviewing” my support ticket. It’s been several days now, and no refund. I spent A TOTAL OF 4 kits to try to fix the issue before finding out that there was no problem on my end and that it was, in fact, a known issue.
They should at least have a tag on the kit saying that Female Sylvari shouldn’t use it.
I would like my money refunded, please. As someone said above, if you are selling a faulty item for real-world money, you should be refunding that money.
Just got my refund <3
omg pwnies \o/
Can anyone CONFIRM without a DOUBT that if you switch your gender to male and “Finish” the Makeover Kit, then use a second kit to switch back to female that you’ll get your glow back?
Some have said they switch to male in the Makeover Kit to see their glow DURING the process of the makeover, but not whether this resolves the bug with not having a glow. (Two separate bugs that I’m describing—possibly poorly because I have the flu. :>)
and it happened to me as well. its like a bear trap in a snow field. funny though, if you happen to have an extra kit and try to adjust the sylvari glow. it does not count as a change. so I’m guessing the whole glow area of the kit is missing (data wise).
Just want to chime in here and say that this happened to me as well (female sylvari – only changed skin color/glow color – and I was at 100% glow at creation) and hopefully a fix is coming up. But just so you all know – Customer Service is really amazing about handling these issues if you submit a ticket – but you need to do that to get some resolution. I hope a fix will come soon, I do miss my glow. =(
I, too, wasted a few Total Makeover Kits thinking I was doing something wrong. I’ve filed a Support Ticket for a refund on the gems.
Edit: Took about an hour for my gems to be refunded. Nice work, Support team!
Any ETA on the bug fix? I miss my glow, too!
(edited by Chuo.4238)
Same thing happened to me yesterday. I submitted a ticket and was refunded very quickly. I hope there is a bug fix soon! =( I miss my glow as well!
I would love an ETA on a fix for this, when you have one >~<.
I too have wasted several total makeover kits trying to restore my sylvari’s glow. It’s too bad because I’m sorely disappointed that I’ve lost her beautiful white glow when all I wanted to do was edit her colors! Hopefully this will be fixed soon, but I’m scared to get more kits to test this every so often.
Wish I had known in advance this would screw up my glow. I was always really happy to see my sylvari glow cause I was very happy with how she turned out… now I’m very sad. I’ve submitted a ticket and am waiting for my refund and the bug fix.
I wish I had known about this bug as well. I bought a kit last night and everything was perfect… minus the ‘no glow’. Fortunately, I was reimbursed the gems (Thank you), so now I must wait for a fix.
She looks… odd, without her glow. Blue and purple skin, bright orange glow – very obvious.
Reference 130208-002012.
Same here; weird bug though only affects female sylvari; but atleast Areanet cares and actively tries to resolve bugs as fast as they can
I wish I had known about this bug as well. I bought a kit last night and everything was perfect… minus the ‘no glow’. Fortunately, I was reimbursed the gems (Thank you), so now I must wait for a fix.
She looks… odd, without her glow.
Blue and purple skin, bright orange glow – very obvious.
How do you receive the refund? I’ve yet to get one yet but wondering if it’s a slow day or if it’s possible I just won’t get one.
Ya, I wish I read these articles before this happened to me just now…Now i miss my glow also. Looks like they are working on getting my gems back at the moment. My number is #130208-001824 I hope I can fix my character soon.
Does anyone know how far back this issue goes? I was just playing another one of my sylvari characters that I was just parking for the healer daily and I noticed she didn’t have a glow either. I’ve really only played her during the day, and this is the first I’ve had her out at night and I know she had a glow before.. I used a makeover kit maybe 3-4 weeks ago on her, and a hair kit a week ago. If this cropped up with the January patch, then the hair kit has the same problem of stripping off the glow.
Just thought I’d post my incident number since I hadn’t heard anything about this today. #130208-000805
Hoping to get a fix for this soon. I miss my glow.
I think you need to look at both make-over kits with this sylvari glow bug. I used a hair makeover kit on my female sylvari yesterday and upon completing my changes, I lost my glow effect as well, even though you can’t even change that feature with that type of kit.
When is this going to be fixed?
All I wanted to do was change my sylvari’s skin color, but it zeroed out her glow completely. I bought another kit, but now I’m afraid that it’s still not going to turn her glow back on.
When is this going to be fixed?
All I wanted to do was change my sylvari’s skin color, but it zeroed out her glow completely. I bought another kit, but now I’m afraid that it’s still not going to turn her glow back on.
It won’t, I tried a few things that I had seen people post that worked for them, but I had no luck. Still stuck glowless
Just wondering if there is an ETA on a fix for this yet? Is it something being worked on currently, or something that will be looked at later on?
Aw phoey, so I’m not the only person that had the hair kit break the glow.
So the question now is if we put in a refund request on the hair kit due to the glow loss, can we get a make-over kit worth of refund or just the hair kit as we’ll have to get a make-over kit to repair the damage from the hair kit?
Or can we get someone just to set the glow on the character to 100% and not worry about any of it?
Aw phoey, so I’m not the only person that had the hair kit break the glow.
So the question now is if we put in a refund request on the hair kit due to the glow loss, can we get a make-over kit worth of refund or just the hair kit as we’ll have to get a make-over kit to repair the damage from the hair kit?
Or can we get someone just to set the glow on the character to 100% and not worry about any of it?
I was hoping there would be a way to get the glow fixed, but I don’t think there is anyway to do it at the moment All i need is it set back to max.
Just wondering if there is an ETA on a fix for this yet? Is it something being worked on currently, or something that will be looked at later on?
I’m just hoping we don’t have to wait until the patch on the 26th for the fix.
Just wondering if there is an ETA on a fix for this yet? Is it something being worked on currently, or something that will be looked at later on?
I’m just hoping we don’t have to wait until the patch on the 26th for the fix.
I am hoping it will at least be fixed by then, and not months down the road
The bug appears to be isolated to female sylvari with 0 glow at creation. We’re working on the bug now, but I don’t have an ETA for a fix right now, sorry.
Also just to add, as others have: I had max glow at creation, and this bug still occurred with my character.
The bug appears to be isolated to female sylvari with 0 glow at creation. We’re working on the bug now, but I don’t have an ETA for a fix right now, sorry.
Also just to add, as others have: I had max glow at creation, and this bug still occurred with my character.
He said that last month though. I’m hoping someone from ArenaNet will chime in and let us know if they’re trying to get the fix in for the Feb patch.
I used 1 kit and this happened to me. As much as I want to use another in an attempt to get my glow back, I think it’s best to practice my patience. Hopefully you guys can find out a fix for this bug soon, I really miss my beautiful glow. <3 sylvari!
(edited by Denjammin.5473)