Tower Down - Personal Story - Stuck
Good evening,
it would appear that my Personal Story journal in the Hero window remains bugged even after the actual Battle of Fort Trinity quest was fixed (or so I assume from reading the State of the Game on Official Guild Wars 2 Wiki). In particular, it keeps mentioning quest called “Liberating Apatia” in which my character killed some Norn called Apatia that I never met before in my Personal Story. I can imagine it would be very difficult to allow me to re-do the Personal Story and complete a bug-free version of aforementioned quest, but I would think it would be very reasonable to at least have the Personal Story journal fixed, so I can read about what my character supposedly did. It would definitely make happy all the lore freaks out there, myself included!
During this mission it is possible for the beginning set of NPCs to not spawn after speaking with Tonn in the cut-scene chat. Instead of spawning the caravan to escort the explosives, nothing happens and the user can just freely run around the instance unable to complete the objectives.
Restarting the game appears to fix this issue but having it happen is a bug.
Unfortunately, this is a side-effect of the bug we fixed a couple days ago. The good news is that it shouldn’t happen on any future characters! Thank you for your understanding.
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I had to run that mission 3 times to get it to work. Tonn never sent me into any cutscene at the end and I just ran around an empty instance with nothing to do but try it all again! ):
Unfortunately, this is a side-effect of the bug we fixed a couple days ago.
The good news is that it shouldn’t happen on any future characters! Thank you for your understanding.
Can’t be possible to “Restart Personal Story” and make new choices? Or do we need to make a new char to that?
Asura thing.
Oh no, so my character’s Personal Story will forever be bugged? That’s… sad
I guess I’ll just… restart my character eventually then. Thanks for the answer tho!
Edit: just to clarify, I only mean the Personal Story that appears in Hero window. That matters the most for me.
(edited by Cellane.7683)
Wow…so its unfixable? That’s crazy.
I had to restart the mission to finally get it done..
The good news is that it shouldn’t happen on any future characters!
So does that mean my heroes story will keep bugging about and possibly never let me complete it?
You could try doing it with someone else who is at the same story point as you. It should update for both of you, so long as they are the one who clicks on ‘start’
Wow…so its unfixable? That’s crazy.
You have to reset the instance, meaning you have to repeat the quest.
I had to restart the mission to finally get it done..
The good news is that it shouldn’t happen on any future characters!
So does that mean my heroes story will keep bugging about and possibly never let me complete it?
No, I believe it was just that particular quest. I happened to me once and, I redid the quest and never had similar issue again.
Sorry for the confusion; I’ll see if I can clarify a little more!
Redoing this particular quest, either on your own or with a friend, should let you progress past it. However, due to the bug fix I mentioned, you may see inconsistencies in your character’s story — such as the journal not displaying the correct information. I’ve made a post with more information from the designers that should clarify some of the other details.
You could try doing it with someone else who is at the same story point as you. It should update for both of you, so long as they are the one who clicks on ‘start’
If you do get stuck, this seems like it could be a good workaround. Great suggestion!
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On my first run through of this quest, an enemy mob got stuck inside of the rock created by the first tower being destroyed. Because it was impossible to kill this mob in the rock, Tonn would not be triggered to proceed to the next part of the quest because all mobs in the area had not been eliminated to trigger that event. I simply exited the instance area and tried again and it worked fine the second time around.