Tower Down bugged

Tower Down bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EndlessKnot.8365


After finally getting Fordging The Pack to complete after 12 tries due to it buggy the very next quest is also bugged.
i mindlessly followed Tonn around,clearing all the trash,blowing up all 3 towers and no quest advance. Have run around the zone making sure every mob is dead.
After checking youtube Tonn should have the green thing above his head and speak to me,but nothing.

will reset the zone and try again.

Does anything work in this game ?

Tower Down bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EndlessKnot.8365


OMG bugged again second try.a mob is stuck under the remains of a tower now /sigh

ok managed to get the mob and quest completed.

lets see how the next quest goes,i have very little faith atm

(edited by EndlessKnot.8365)

Tower Down bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


I had to do that quest 8 times, one of those times was because of a server restart though.