Toxic Offshoot [Group Event] bug

Toxic Offshoot [Group Event] bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GMRandom.4685


I attempted to complete 2 different toxic offshoot events in Kessex Hills today. Both events required you to defend the vigil engineers as they mortar the offshoot, however when they had completed repairs on the mortar the engineers would just stand around and as such the offshoot would not take any damage.

Toxic Offshoot [Group Event] bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I noticed this yesterday as well, though I encountered the mortar fire from the vigil engineers not damaging the toxic offshoots in Queensdale. I’m guessing it is bugged everywhere then and is related to something from Tuesday’s patch that bugged them.

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Toxic Offshoot [Group Event] bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Trog.2918


Yep, I attempted it twice today in Queensdale, and both times the engineers just stood there and didn’t fire the mortars, leading to an obvious event fail

Toxic Offshoot [Group Event] bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nimirie.6107


I encountered this bug at two different offshoot events in Queensdale today. Both times I was able to free the engineers with no problem, but they wouldn’t fire their mortars once they were built.

Toxic Offshoot [Group Event] bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I’m yet to find a single one that works. The first event is always the vigil, but their mortars do not fire, and so the event fails.

The next time is the mortars again, and so none of these events is ever doable anymore.

No exceptions!

Toxic Offshoot [Group Event] bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Charrbeque.8729


I’ve come across these events lately too while doing map exploration to level up my human ele. Probably in Queensdale and/or Kessex Hills. I’ll get there and revive an engineer and he will build the mortar but it won’t shoot. There never seemed to be any other players around trying to complete the event, but I’m guessing they aren’t bothering with it because it’s bugged.

There’s something charming about rangers.

Toxic Offshoot [Group Event] bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kohlteth.3715


I’m yet to find a single one that works. The first event is always the vigil, but their mortars do not fire, and so the event fails.

The next time is the mortars again, and so none of these events is ever doable anymore.

This, I found this other day myself…..

Toxic Offshoot [Group Event] bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shadey Dancer.2907

Shadey Dancer.2907

Reported this three weeks ago via the in-game reporting tool, and again two weeks ago via the same system as I noticed it in kessex as well as queensdale. Can’t help but wonder if anyone actually reads those.
Anyway, exactly as the above post have stated, however, on one occasion the toxic event (possibly) bugged out on the carry explosives. I carried the explosives several times, and on the final one to destroy it, the game fatally crashed at the exact moment the explosives went off! When I got back in i had the message that the event had actually failed, even though there was still at least 30 secs on the timer! (kind of weird in that i had a message at all after a fatal crash—-but there you go>>).

(edited by Shadey Dancer.2907)

Toxic Offshoot [Group Event] bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Frostfang.5109


I have exoerienced this too…. They dont fire their mortars.

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