Toxic Tower Hybrid achievement bugged
Living World QA Embed
The ‘Tower Hybrid Slayer’ and the ‘Tower Hybrid Master’ achievements are both locked until you complete ‘Tower Antitoxin Injector’. This means that to get any of the Hybrid achievements going, you first need to fully complete the Story Version of ‘The Nightmare Incarnate’ instance.
The ‘Tower Hybrid Slayer’ and the ‘Tower Hybrid Master’ achievements are both locked until you complete ‘Tower Antitoxin Injector’. This means that to get any of the Hybrid achievements going, you first need to fully complete the Story Version of ‘The Nightmare Incarnate’ instance.
I’ve got the ‘Tower Antitoxin Injector’ but Slayer don’t work as stated by OP.
WvW – Structure Upgrade Re-Work idea!
WvW – Art of War Guild Buffs & Keep Claiming Re-Work idea!
Yep, getting the same bug here.
Booooooooooo. I completed the achievements on the first try but got no credit for them because I completed them on my first try?! Bad Form ANet.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
It is a repeatable area, you have to go back in and get the achievements. back in over and over, like a dungeon, yech.