Toxic mini (and others?) no longer follows

Toxic mini (and others?) no longer follows

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: aucunsouci.2785


Also recently some minis have stopped following you at all.
Evon Gnashblade, Ellen Kiel, Toxic Nimross, Peacekeeper Shocktrooper.

I’ve noticed this bug for the Toxic Nimross. The mini once summoned will not follow. I’ve been able to go the length of the minimap and still see its dot indicator in the same position. Relogging, depositing and then picking it up again to summon once more on a different character, and changing maps and modes all don’t seem to fix it.

Toxic mini (and others?) no longer follows

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sylar.6827


I have the same issue. This is what the GM had to say:

Thank you for contacting our team about a game issue that you experienced. The Guild Wars 2 Development Team is aware of this issue and team members currently are working on addressing it. Please keep an eye on the official forums for any future updates and announcements regarding Guild Wars 2. You can reach the forums via this link:

Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.


GM Enigma
Guild Wars 2 Support Team

Guess we just gotta wait for a patch fix then =(